Chapter 29: Back to Berk

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Hiccup's pov:

I woke up with a slight hangover as I found myself back in my room. But even more shocking to see that I was shirtless too.

"Morning sleepy head." A voice next to me sounded as I pulled the comforter over myself, covering my upper body, thinking it was someone else other than Astrid calling me.

"Calm down, its me." Astrid said while she was packing her stuff. I uncovered myself and found Astrid standing there, blushing.

"Uh, Astrid, can you explain why I'm shirtless." I asked.

"We'll talk about it later, for now get up and pack your stuff, we're checking out soon." She said, which reminded me of my mom constantly nagging at me on the last day of our holiday. After changing into a clean set of clothes, I opened the door and saw Heather and Fishlegs already prepared to check out.

"Morning guys." Heather greeted Astrid and I and we greeted them back.

"We're checking out soon, let's see if the rest of the gang are ready." Astrid said as she texted Ruffnut.

Astrid: Hey Ruff, you guys ready to check out?

Ruff: Yeah, we're almost done packing, just gotta wait for Tuff to wake up, he's a heavy sleeper.

Astrid: Lol, just like Hiccup, he's a heavy sleeper too.

~Time skip to on the van~

"So, care to share with me what happened yesterday, I forgot what happened yesterday." I said as Astrid laughed.

"What?" I asked.

"Well it started off with you boys playing truth or dare with beer, except that Dagur wasn't drunk at all. Then, you commented on how my body was like a pillow, mumbling some nonsense I didn't understand and for your finale, before I went to take a shower, you asked me to take off your shirt so I did. That's how you ended up shirtless in the morning." Astrid explained and I was shocked.

'Last time she volunteered to take of my shirt when Snotlout punched me hard but this time I requested her to take off my shirt, god that was kind of weird' I thought to myself.

"Woah, alright I admit, I did drink a lot." I said.

"You know you should wait until you graduate from high school then you can drink, cause now is not really the best time. Promise me you won't drink until you finish high school." Astrid said.

"Alright, fine, just you I will not drink until I graduate from high school." I said, making a promise to myself.

"Awww, I love you babe, now that's a good boy." Astrid giggled as she gave me a kiss and played with my hair.

"I love you too Astrid, you will always be my cute, little, obedient angel." I replied which melted her heart even more.

"By the way, I gotta buy flowers for my parents, it's their anniversary today, wanna come along?" I said and Astrid immediately agreed. When we were back at Berk High, the teachers gave us a few briefings about upcoming being shifted a few weeks earlier since the school trip was held this month( August).

"So, your year end exams will start the following week. I hope you guys enjoyed this trip and good luck for your end of year exams." The year head said as she dismissed the classes. As the gang exited the school compound, Astrid and I waved goodbye to the rest of the gang as we split up and went our own ways.

"Are you sure you wanna carry your stuff to the florist shop." I asked.

"Nope I'm good." Astrid lied. "Besides we're just gonna go there and get the flowers and go." She added, despite struggling with her things.

After a few minutes, I found a bench for Astrid to rest since she had loads of stuff.

"You can rest here for now while I go buy the flowers for my parents." I said as I unloaded my stuff, occupying the seat next to Astrid so no guys could talk to her.

I then walked to Gobber's Florist shop nearby.

"Hiccup, fancy seeing you here. Here to pick up the flowers for your parents' anniversary I suppose." Gobber's greeted me with a smile while he was arranging a bouquet of flowers.

"Haha, you guessed it. Oh and do you have any mini bouquets of roses?" I asked.

"Ah, yes. It's for your girlfriend right." Gobber asked and I shyly said yes, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Yeah, no special event today, I just wanted to surprise her." I said, blushing.

"You sure are the type of boyfriend who has loads of surprises for your other half." Gobber commented which made me blush even harder. He then went in and got a huge bouquet of flowers for my parents and Astrid's mini boquet of roses.

"Alright, here's your bouquets, have a nice day Haddock." Gobber said as he waved at me.

9 years later( a modern httyd story)|| editedWhere stories live. Discover now