Chapter 1:Goodbye Out-Cast village

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Astrid's pov (15 turning 16 years old)

"Astrid, you done packing your stuff, we're leaving soon." Dad called me from the living room.

"Yes, for the last time, I'm coming down now!" I yelled in frustration as I walked down the stairs with my bulky luggage and heavy boxes.

"Hey Astrid, your friends are here to say goodbye to you." Mom said as she stood at the front door.

"Go bid your friends goodbye honey, I'll help you with your stuff." Dad added as I put down my luggage, boxes and backpack and rushed to the front door.

"Hey girls, I'm gonna miss you all when I head to Berk. Promise we will still keep in touch on Instagram." I said as I gave my friends a group hug. One of them teased, "Hey, don't get attached by the guys in Berk, I heard a lot of them would try to ask you out just because you're pretty." I chuckled and replied, "Nah, I'm not really interested in guys, their jerks."

"Tell me how the environment is like in Berk, I heard they have the nicest views." One of them said.

"Oh really, I didn't know, anyways, good luck you guys, I'll miss you." I said.

"Astrid, time to go!" Mom yelled.

"Coming." I replied and bid my friends goodbye again and left.

"Ok, a six-hour journey to Berk. Let's go. " The journey there was boring, most of the time I was looking through Instagram, tiktok, watching my Korean drama and so on. After two hours on the road, I was fast asleep.

"Wakey wakey my princesses." Dad said as my sister and I slowly opened our eyes, hair all messy. I yawned and asked, "We're here already?"

"Sure we are." Mom said as we unloaded our luggages and went into our apartment. The new apartment was quite small but comfortable. Since the beds weren't here yet, all of us had to sleep on the floor, which is a good thing since the floor is not dirty.

"Girls, the furniture would only come tomorrow so for the time being just sleep on the floor and school will start on Wednesday for you Astrid." Mom said.

"Yes mom, goodnight." I said as I tried to sleep on the floor. 

9 years later( a modern httyd story)|| editedWhere stories live. Discover now