Chapter 42: Truth and dare with the gang part 1

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Author's pov

After everyone settling into Hiccup's room (After showering, brushing teeth etc.), everyone laid out their sleeping bags and placed their stuff to one side of the room and got ready for a game of truth or dare.

"Hey guys, did you bring your onesies?" Heather asked as she took out her's. Heather had a unicorn onesie, Fishlegs had a dinosaur one, Ruffnut had a narwhal one and Tuffnut had a duck one and Hiccup (The blue one) and Astrid (The pink one) had matching stitch onesies.

"Woah, where did you guys get the matching Stitch ones, their cute." Heather said.

"Well Ruffnut's onesie of narwhal is cute." Astrid said.

"We should change our profile picture for our Whatsapp group to us in our onesies." Heather said as the gang went to the dance studio to take some pictures.

"Hey girls, you should dance in your onesies and create a YouTube channel to post your dance covers." Tuffnut suggested.

"Woah, okay. We'll consider." Heather said.

"Which one?" Ruffnut asked. "We did a lot of dances you know." She continued.

"Do you guys know Thunderous by Stray Kids?" Astrid asked.

"Yeah, but I don't really know how to dance to that, it's complicated and I need time to learn." Heather replied.

"How about something easier, My bag by (G)I-DLE." Ruffnut suggested.

"I'm obsessed with that song." Heather said.

"Me too, My bag it is." Astrid said as she connected her phone to the speakers and played the song as the three girls started dancing in their onesies. After the dance the girls did, everyone was in the room, planning on what to do next since the night is still long for them.

"Guys, we should play truth or dare again?" Tuffnut suggested.

"Can we not do it with beer, the other time we played truth or dare we literally drank a lot, besides, we're too young to drink alcohol." Hiccup said.

"Oh c'mon, my mom has already banned me from drinking alcohol, besides, I didn't bring any bottles today." Tuffnut said.

"Alright, who's gonna start first?" Heather asked.

"I'll ask first, Fishlegs, truth or dare?" Tuffnut asked.

"Ummmmm, truth." He replied.

"Omg Fishlegs, you really are boring, anyways, what are you most self-conscious about." Tuffnut asked. Fishlegs was silent for a moment until he said. "I'm most self-conscious about my grades cause I want to succeed in life."

"Nice answer Fishlegs, alright Tuff, truth or dare?" Hiccup asked.

"Hiccy, you know me, I'm the dare master." Tuffnut replied, boldly.

"Oh, stop it Tuff, your just beating around the bush again." Heather commented sarcastically.

"I don't care, I want a dare, give me a dare." Tuffnut said.

"Alright, ummmmmm..." Hiccup thought for a while.

"Ask him to do four cartwheels in a row." Astrid, who was sitting on Hiccup's bed whispered to him.

"Alright Tuff, do four cartwheels in a row." Hiccup announced.

"Are you kidding me, I'm bad at gymnastics." Tuffnut whined. Everyone was cheering on Tuffnut, waiting for him to do four cartwheels in a row. Finally, Tuffnut stood up and did four cartwheels and everyone started cheering for him.

"Hiccup, if you were to ever ask me to do a dare maybe not dare me to do anything related to gymnastics. My whole body hurts." Tuffnut groaned and everyone started laughing.

"Heather, truth or dare?" Hiccup asked.

"Hmmmmm, dare." Heather replied.

"Alright, this is a good one, seduce someone of the same gender." Hiccup smirked and Heather's face became red.

"Omg, who should I seduce, Astrid, wanna hang out on the bed." Heather flirted with Astrid which made Astrid really blush.

"Astrid, what are you doing tomorrow?" Heather asked. Astrid then played along and replied, "I'm free, let's make out on the bed."

"Oh yeah, let's do it." Heather said and everyone bursted out laughing.

"Alright, I had enough of this, Astrid, truth or dare." Heather asked.

"I'll pick truth this time." Astrid said.

"Okay, tell us your most embarrassing vomit story." Heather said and Astrid retched.

"What, embarrassing vomit story, ew." Astrid said in disgust.

"Alright, most of you know this story but just bear with me since some people don't know about this. Back at Out-Cast High, I dated the captain of the basketball team Mark. Many girls wanted him because of his looks, but girls didn't know that he's a playboy and dumped loads of girls, and I'm his 12th ex." She started explaining.

"Get to the point Astrid." Tuffnut said.

"Hey, she'll get to it soon, besides, this is the part where she gets emotional." Ruffnut whispered as she nudged her twin.

"Anyways, one day, before our anniversary, he sent me a picture if his 6-packs. I sent him the heart eyed emoji to convince him that I 'liked' it when I was actually throwing up, like really. That's not the end, he wanted me to send him a picture of me in my bathing suit. That's when I threw up even more and I broke up with him on the spot." Astrid said as tears started streaming down her cheeks.

"Astrid, it's alright, it was over long ago, you don't have to think about it anymore." Hiccup said, comforting his girlfriend. Heather handed a tissue to her as she wiped her tears.

"Okay, I think that's enough truth or dare for the night." Fishlegs said.

"Cmon, its to early to sleep y'all, let's play some more." Tuffnut said.

"Tuff, didn't you see Astrid after telling her embarrassing vomit story. She needs to calm down and sleep to forget about her thoughts." Ruffnut chided her brother.

"I'm fine guys, I'm fine." Astrid said.

"Okay, I think we should go sleep now." Heather said, tucking into her sleeping bag.

"Alright, see y'all in the morning." Hiccup said as he turned off the lights in his bedroom.

9 years later( a modern httyd story)|| editedWhere stories live. Discover now