Chapter 32:Under investigation

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Author's pov

Hiccup was sitting outside the examination room, waiting for the doctor's response about Astrid's condition. Astrid's parents arrived with my parents, all very worried, especially Astrid's parents.

"Any response?" Astrid's mom asked and Hiccup shook his head. Shortly after, the gang arrived after I told them what happened. A few minutes later, the doctor came out and Astrid's parents ran up to her, bombarding her with hundreds of questions. Caroline crawled into Hiccup's arms, sobbing as she asked, "Is Astrid gonna be ok?"

"She'll be fine, Astrid's a strong girl." Hiccup replied.

Another doctor came out of Astrid's suite and asked, "The family members of Astrid Hofferson may enter." Astrid's parents stood up walked to the suite. Astrid's mum even gestured Hiccup to come in since him and Caroline had a special bond with each other. The doctor then explained to Astrid's condition, she must have consumed too much of drugs and blacked out, but were unsure of who put the drugs in her food or drink.

Hiccup then walked to Astrid's bedside, concerned that she would leave him at such a young age. A tear drop escaping from Hiccup's eye as he stared at his unconscious girlfriend. The gang then came in as they surrounded Astrid's bed. Heather, who was standing next to Hiccup, placed her hand on his shoulder and said, "She'll pull through, she's Astrid the fearless Hofferson."

"Let him be, he needs some alone time." Hiccup's mom said as she entered the suite.

"Yeah, besides we've got school tomorrow." Fishlegs said as the whole gang left, leaving Hiccup and his mom there. His dad left for a last minute meeting so it was just Hiccup, his mom as well as Astrid's parents.

"Astrid's a strong girl son, she'll definitely pull through. I wanted to invite her for dinner next week but we're gonna have to postpone it, she wouldn't have the energy to eat next week." Hiccup's mom said as she left Hiccup there.

"The teacher knows about the situation so your excused for the week. Heather would come here and pass you your homework for the week so you won't have to worry about it." Hiccup's mom said as I nodded.

Astrid's pov

I was in pitched darkness for a while until I heard someone sobbing. As I slowly opened my eyes, the light blinding my sight as I tried to sit up. Someone sitting beside me helped me. When I finally regained my vision, my parents were standing on the left while Hiccup was still there when it was almost midnight. I placed my hand on my head and asked, "W-what happened?"

"You consumed too much drugs. Someone must have poured drugs into your food or drink when you went to the restroom." Hiccup said.

"But, weren't you supposed to look after the food?" I said.

"I'm sorry but I went to take pictures of the view. The police are still under investigation." Hiccup replied.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Mom went to see who it was and it was a policeman.

"Are you Ms Astrid Hofferson?" he began and I nodded. He took out an empty ziplock bag and explained, "This was what we found at the crime scene. We caught the culprit, Vicky Grimborn. Through CCTV foootages, she was in a leather black jacket and was seen walking towards your table and was seen pouring that white powder into your drink. I recognized her when I saw her holding this ziplock bag and walking out of the restaraunt."

'Vicky, I knew it. The only psycho who would try to kill me.' I thought.

"Thanks a lot officer." Hiccup said as the officer left the suite. "Hey, it's getting kind of late, you should get some rest. I'll stay here with you." He continued.

"But, don't you have school to attend tomorrow." I asked.

"The teachers knew about the situation and since I was assigned to be your buddy since the start of the year, I have to stay with you so they excused me for the week." Hiccup explained.

"Oh, I see. Alright then, goodnight babe, I love you." Astrid said.

"I love you too Astrid." He replied as he planted a kiss on my forehead and tucked me in.

9 years later( a modern httyd story)|| editedDär berättelser lever. Upptäck nu