"Hi" she whispered back shyly

"I have a puppy at home as well but he has work tomorrow so he couldn't join" Matthew sighed he was taller than Harry very broad shouldered tattoos covering his neck and the bit of forearm peeking out from under his rolled sleeves he was sort of lanky not much meat to him with short brown hair and golden brown eyes

he was staring at me and I became a little self-conscious it was almost as if he was sizing me up "I'm Harry" Harry spoke up so I looked at him as he talked he held out a hand ,the one not wrapped up in my leash

Matthew shook his hand and grinned "she your pet or?"

"My Baby girl" Harry corrected "she wanted a new choker so why not a leash to go with it?" He smirked

"Had I known we were bringing leashes I would have had my girls strapped to my belt" he chuckled Lynette leaned to his ear and said something he nodded "excuse us" he guided them away

"I'm proud of you for making friends baby" I smiled Harry just nodded

I wondered around meeting a few new people, I met her co-worker and her sub (Noah) but I ended up getting brought into a circle of people playing a game Harry sat on the sofa behind me and I was on the floor at his feet sitting criss cross Brandie in the center the kitty and bunny to my right ,Matthew on the sofa behind them as well, and Noah to my left

"-So essentially it's just to see who's got the best mouth" I overheard just a tidbit of what was going on

I leaned to Noah "what are we doing?" I asked

"Brandie and mommy are passing out baby bottles and whoever finishes their bottle first wins" he hummed "but I'm gunna win" he shrugged arrogantly

I cocked an eyebrow "okay if you say so" Brandie passed me a bottle it had some kind of soda in it... I think I shook it making it fizz just to be sure but I swear I can see some of those oily swirls you get in hard liquor

"Okay! Ready? Everyone has a bottle?" Brandie asked  yeses rang out "GO!" She clapped

I put the bottle in my mouth I started to suck on it I cringed it was coke and crown

I was gulping down the 8 ounces I closed my eyes feeling Harry start to pet hair "I could have told you you had the best mouth here without this silly game" he chuckled

"Look at her go" I heard Matthew chime in

"Not even a competition" Harry added.. so I guess I'm winning

I pulled the bottle from my lips with a loud pop "done!" I held up my bottle

I saw most were down to an ounce or 2 left "WINNER!" Brandie took my bottle "this so for you" she passed me a ribbon I blushed as I read it

Best Mouth/Sucker

I gave it to Harry not wanting it "Aww do you want me to clip it on your dress for you mm?"

"N-No" I shook my head

"You won darling shouldn't you be proud?" He pulled me up on my knees he slipped one hand in my dress and used it to guide the needle through and pinned the button to my chest "I'm very proud" he purred as he secured it

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