Birthday Special

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Pairing - Tom Holland x Reader

Warnings - kissing, tom being freakin' hOt, flUfF

Summary - you give Tom the perfect birthday :)


The alarm goes off, and you look at the time, and giggle with excitement. Today was Tom's birthday and you were so excited you could barely contain it! You dust off your hands on your apron, putting the final touches on the waffles. You turn the plate just the right way, before placing on another raspberry. You make sure the balloons are fastened on the chairs, and take a step back to admire your work. You had been up since 7 am, decorating, making breakfast, and making sure all plans were in place for the perfect birthday for your perfect boyfriend.

The confetti decorates the table, the breakfast platters covered with the silver tops, the balloons lining the opposing side of the counter in rainbow colors, with a big 'Happy Birthday' balloon in the middle, and colorful streamers decorating the sides of the table. You really hoped he liked it. You take off your apron, hanging it on the hook, before rushing upstairs to wake up Tom.

~Tom's POV~
I was sleeping peacefully, before there was movement in the bed. I feel weight

on my abdomen, before I groan.

"Y/n, what are you doing?" I whine, grabbing a pillow and throwing it over

my face. Y/n giggles, peeking under the pillow. I crack open an eye to see her smiling face and bright eyes.

"Happy birthday sleepyhead," she giggles. My eyes light up, and I shoot up in

my bed, looking at the clock. Oh my gosh, it was my birthday!

"Yay!" I exclaim, pulling her into my arms. She laughs, readjusting herself so her legs wrap around my waist. I pull away, and she has a mischievous smile playing on her lips.

"What?! Tell me, tell me!!" I exclaim, and she shakes her head. I roll my eyes with a huff,before I bring my hands to her sides, and begin to tickle her. She bursts out laughing, trying to remove my hands, but I 'm way stronger than her.

"Stop!! Stop that tickles!" Y/n laughs, falling back into the bed. I lean forward, climbing on top of her, my arms on either side of her head, tilting my head at her,and quirking a brow.

"Then you need to tell me why you were smirking," I say, but Y/n just shakes her head. I groan, rolling over to my side, and pulling her into my arms.

"Well you have to get dressed and come downstairs!" she exclaims. I huff, propping myself up on my elbow, looking down on her.

"Do I have to get dressed?" I sigh. Y/n tilts her head, eyeing up my bare chest. She stares for a few seconds too long,and I snort. She tilts her head back up to me, and shakes her head.

"No I think you can stay shirtless. But come on hurry up!!" Y/n cries, jumping out of bed, before grabbing my hand.

"Ack! I'm coming! Slow down!" I laugh, as she drags me out into the hall. We stop at the top of the stares.

"Okay, close your eyes!" she orders. I chuckle with a shake of my head., closing my eyes. She wraps an arm around my waist, and begins to help me down the stairs. Okay one more step -

"Ack, I'm sorry!" Y/n cries, as I trip down the step. I laugh, as she helps me back to my feet. My feet hit the cold floor of the kitchen. We continued walking a few feet, before her hands stopped me on my chest.

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