"I Didn't Protect You"

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Pairing - Tom Holland x Reader

This request comes from @oohanlon08 seriously have no idea where I would be without their requests so thank you so, so much!!

Request - y/n's past relationship was abusive and Tom doesn't know and he gets rlly angry at himself for not protecting her (they like we're friends before dating) 

Warnings - reference to abusive relationship, fluff, tom being overprotective cause umm... y e s,


You shake your head at the dumb pictures.  Why didn't you burn them months ago?

You heave a sigh, still not able to burn them.  You had no idea why.  You closed that part of your life... wouldn't this give you closure, and reassurance that you're starting over.  

You just shake your head, placing them back in the box, and standing on your tip toes to slid it back into the shelf.

"Gotcha!" a voice exclaims, jabbing you in the sides. You scream, falling backwards into someone and tumbling onto the floor.

"TOM!  How many times have I told you not to do that!!?" you seethe, slapping his chest, and trying to get off of him.

"Hey! Get back here!" Tom snaps, grabbing your hips, and pulling you back into him.  You yelp as you fall back on top of him, your face just inches away.  He smiles, biting his lip.

"Don't give me that face," you warn, blushing a bit.  Tom just smiles bigger, before rolling over so you're under him.

"Tom stop!!" you laugh, as he tickles your sides.  You burst out into laughter, trying to catch your breath. But the longer it goes on, your brain warns you.  It remembers what used to happen.  And even though your heart knows Tom would never to that... it still freaks out.

"Tom!! Stop!!" you say, more panicked this time.  He doesn't seem to notice though, as he continues to tickle you.  You feel everything closing in, flashbacks starting to occur.

"Jonathan, get off of me!!" you scream, kicking and failing, as he pinned your arms to your sides.

"SHUT UP!! You are my property and I will do with you what I want!"

"TOM GET OFF!!!" you scream.  Tom jolts, jumping back, eyes wide.  Your heart was pounding, as you sat up, gripping your hair.  

"Y/n... I-I... are you okay?" he asks.  You stand up to your feet, as he does the same.  Tom slowly approaches you, but you put a hand to stop him.

"J-just... give me a m-minute," you stutter, still shaky as you leave the room, slamming the door behind you.

~Tom's POV~
I'm still in shock as Y/n slams the door, and a crash comes from the closet.

What just happened?  Did I do something horribly wrong?  My brain racks for any reason why she could've reacted that way.  I felt absolutely horrible.  That scared look on her face made my heart ache.  She wasn't scared of me was she?

I remember the crash from the closet, and open it to see a box with it's contents scattered on the floor. My brows furrow together, as I sit on the floor, and clean it up.

I wasn't going to look I swear... but then I saw a picture of Y/n and her ex-boyfriend Jonathan.  What were these doing here?

Three years ago, Y/n broke off her two year relationship with one of Jacob's friends, Jonathan.  I thought nothing of it, just that they had a falling out.  You see, Y/n and I have been friends for five years now, and started dating two years ago. So why did she still have these pictures?

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