clingy (revised)

16.1K 194 158

Pairing- TomHolland X Reader

Warnings- lots of fluff, cuddles, and kisses

Summary- After barely seeing you for a week cause of work, Tom is super clingy when he comes home for the weekend.

Word count- 1300+

You laid in your bed, looking at the ceiling

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You laid in your bed, looking at the ceiling.  It was dark with the windows open to let in the cool night air.

Your hand clutched the empty sheets next to you, just wishing for Tom to be home.  He'd been gone all week for work. Sure, he came home at 12:00 am, but you were fast asleep, and not wanting to wake you, he took the couch.  He left before you even thought about waking up.  You guys talked when he could, and he sent you plenty of texts, but it wasn't the same.  It wasn't the same to feel his hand in yours, or his hair in your fingers, to hear his laugh as he made you breakfast, or to chase him around the house with a toy spider.  That was always a joy.

But your heart was excited.  He was going to be done with his busy week and finally be home tomorrow.  You were beyond excited, not able to sleep.  You checked your phone.

"1:00 am isn't too late to watch Netflix," you convince yourself with a firm nod.  You slip on one of Tom's sweatshirts, burying your face into the collar to breathe in his scent.  You take a sigh of happiness and tiptoe out to the couch even though no one is home but you.

The TV flickers to life, as you play your show and drift off the sleep.


"Love! Darling!! Love, I'm home!!"  a voice breaks into your sleep.  Your eyes flicker open, and your rub the sleep.  Who was yelling?

"Y/N?  Where are you?" you hear Tom say.  You shoot up from the couch, your heart pounding in your ears with excitement.  You throw off your pile of blankets and rush to the bedroom.

You see Tom's back as he's looking under the covers of your bed.  He's wearing a black hoodie and jeans, searching frantically for something.

"Tom!" you cry. He turns around, and you plow right into his arms, both of you falling onto the bed.

"Oh love I've missed you," he cries, holding you as close as he could.  You plant kisses all over his face, and he laughs.

"I've missed you too babes," you smile, cupping his face in your hands.  He smiles taking in your gorgeous features.

"Where were you?!" he cried, kissing you on the cheek. You let out a laugh.

"On the couch," you blush.  He smirks.

"You hide well darling," he says, planting a kiss on your other cheek.  He takes in your gorgeous features. "Oh, how I've missed you!" he cries again. 

 He jumps up, hoists you up onto his waist, and runs out to the couch, flopping backward.

"Ah!" you laugh, as he plants kiss all over your face.  You laugh under his lips.

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