The Karen

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Pairing - Tom Holland x Reader

Warnings - yelling, annoying stupid idiots, and Tom being adorkable

Summary - Tom defends you against a kArEn

*not edited*


You just finished serving another table, and were taking another order. It was the dinner rush hour, and the restaurant was horribly crowded. You weave your way through the crowd to the front of the restaurant to greet another set of people. A girl and a guy walk in, looking rushed.

"Hi! Are you our 7:30 reservation?" you ask the girl who just walked in, and look down at the reservation booklet. You worked at one of the fanciest restaurants in New York, Bellezza Nel Cibo meaning "beauty in food." You loved your job so much. The hours were great, pay was better, and you got tons of free food, and could reserve a spot whenever you wanted. You were giddy with excitement cause today your boyfriend, Tom, was coming and you guys were going to go out after work.

"Oh thank you!! The name is-" she begins, when someone interrupts her.

"Excuse me!! I was here way before she was!!" an older blonde lady, with a choppy haircut snaps. You furrow your brows.

"Oh!! I'm so sorry, what time is your reservation for?" you ask. She flips her hair, grabbing her kids hand.

"8:30," she states. You raise a brow.

"I'm so sorry, but that's not for another hour. If your reservation isn't for anytime soon, I can't let you in," you say with a nod, before turning back to your first customer.

"Wait!! But I was here, way before her!! We have been waiting for a half hour, and my kids are hungry!!" she seethes. You suck in a deep breath, finding her 8:30 reservation.

"Jolene Roberts?" you ask. She smiles smugly and nods.

"Okay well... there's only an open spot for 8:20 but other than that we can't let you in until 8:30," you reply. She huffs, slamming her purse on the podium.

"You need to let me in!! I was here before they were!" she screams, making everyone turn heads.

"M'am, I said I can let you in ten minutes earlier, but I can't let you in now. You only would need to wait forty five minutes, and you can come in," you explain again. She stomps her foot, and turns to the first lady.

"Would you let me have your reservation please? Could we switch?" Jolene asks sweetly. The young lady gives a small smile, linking her arm with the man next to her.

"Um... no sorry. We've had this reservation for our anniversary planned for a few months now," she replies, before looking back to you. You smile at her, grabbing two menus.

"I will be right back," you nod to Jolene, gesture to the couple, and bring them to a table in the back.

"Here you go. I'll give you time to think about drinks, and I'll be right back," you

smile. They thank you, and you head into the kitchens.

"Y/n!! Table twelve's order is ready!!" Marcus calls, as you walk past him.

"Thanks Mark!" you reply, as you head to hooks on the back wall. You reach into

your bag, and fish out your phone, and check for any texts. You get a huge smile and blush on your face, as you read the text from Tom.

Tom Holland ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang