Not Scripted

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This is literally my favorite meme of all time, if this is how someone asked me out i would just s o b

This request is from @imagine_tmr_tb0s

Hey! If you want to, can you do one where Y/n is an actress and Tom's celebrity crush? Y/n goes to a coffee shop but she has to leave for an emergency and she forgets her new script there. And then later Tom goes there with (anyone you want or alone) and he finds her script and he's freaking out so much specially when she comes back. Oh and obviously we need Tom to be a stuttering mess!

Pairing - Tom Holland x Reader

Warnings - flUfF and tOm being sHy

~Your POV~

You sat in the back of (your favorite coffee shop) flipping through the new script. You were just accepted for a big role in an upcoming TV show called Every Which Way. You were giddy with excitement for such a huge and complicated role. You would play a college student in a love triangle, only to find that everyone was hiding their own secrets.

The script was exciting and new, and nothing like anything you've worked on before. Your career was already amazing, and this would just skyrocket it more.

Your phone buzzes, which makes you jump, and your script falls to the ground. You take it out of your pocket. It was the director of the show.

"Hello?" you answer.

"Y/n!! I need you on the set ASAP!!" she exclaims in an excited tone. You furrow your brows, as you begin to pack up your stuff.

"Why?" you exclaim.

"They just got in the costumes, and we want to make sure everything fits, and walk around the set, and go over tomorrow one more time," she exclaims. You frantically nod, slinging your bag over your shoulder, and grabbing your coffee.

"I'll be there in a half hour!" you say, before hanging up the phone.

"Have a good night Y/n!" Mary, your favorite barista calls. She would always close off the back, and let you have some peace and quiet to read over your letters there.

"You too Mary!!" you call, before exiting the coffee shop, and driving away.

~Tom's POV~

Haz pulled into a spot, as a sleek black car pulled out. I furrowed my brows.

"Who else would be here this late?" I ask, climbing out of the car. Haz chuckled, as he opened the door.

"Lots of celebrities live around here Tom. Maybe Mary let's other people in?" Haz suggests with a snort. I roll my eyes approaching the counter, and pulling out my wallet.

"Tom, Haz, hi!!" Mary exclaims with a bright smile, coming out of the back room. I smile back, as she slips behind the counter, and starts up the register.

Mary was the best. She let Haz and I come in for coffee after hours so the paparazzi wouldn't attack us.

"Can I just get a tea please?" I ask. She nods, before her eyes land on a y/f color binder.

"Oh!! Did you leave a script here?" Mary asks, handing the binder to me, before turning back to make my tea. I furrow my brows, and open the inside cover of the binder.

 "Woah dude!! That's the script for the new show Every Which Way! It's such a huge deal, this is so cool!!" Haz exclaims, looking over my shoulder. I scan down the information - copy right stuff, directors, main cast list - before my eyes land on the bottom.

Tom Holland ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now