Chapter 8: Goodbye

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Within 10 minutes of the lightning being shot into the sky, everyone had left camp and were on their way down to the beach. Mary was leading the charge. She was the one that everyone wanted and they all knew that. Most people thought it was a bad idea having her in front since she was the only one who could end all of this but that's exactly why Mary insisted she go first. Mary wasn't going to put anyone else in danger for the sake of herself.

As they all walked onto the beach, weapons at the the ready just in case, everyone saw Hondo and Anippe standing about 15 metres in front of them. The twins were being held by Anippe and behind all of them was the large group of variants Marge, Daniel and Ciara had obviously seen. Mary knew there was no point in trying to reason with them but she just needed to know something whilst she had the chance. She stepped forward so that their attention would be on her and her alone.

"Before all the killing starts, I just want to know one thing" shouted Mary. "Why? Why are you doing this?"

"Why is anyone doing anything nowadays" Hondo shouted back.

"Why don't you want the world to be saved?" Asked Mary. "There could be peace."

"There will never be peace when those things are in this world" added Anippe, viciously pointing towards the vampires behind Mary.

"This wasn't what our master Abiel wanted for the world. All he wanted was for the humans to be safe" answered Hondo. "So, if stopping you from bringing them back into this death filled world fulfills his wishes, then so be it."

Before Mary had time to say anything else, Hondo started to create lightning with his body. Some of the soldiers behind Mary attempted to shoot bullets at him but the heat was just too strong, the bullets were destroyed before they got anywhere near close enough. Hondo raised his arms ready to fire the electricity straight at Mary. However, what actually happened next surprised everyone. Just as Hondo released the lightning, something incredibly fast plowed into him knocking his sideways and causing the lightning to hit the ground next to Mary instead. It still somewhat did its job, sending Mary flying and pushing everyone else backwards. Mary landed and right before she closed her eyes, she saw people running towards each other and the thing that caused Hondo to miss. Luvia standing up straight and saying the last things Mary heard before she passed out.

"If anyone is going to kill her it's going to be me."

- • -

Mary woke from her unconscious state to the sounds of screaming. As her eyes focused she could make out the image of someone getting torn to pieces by vampires. As Mary began to move her body, she realised one of her hands was sat sat in a puddle of blood except it wasn't her own. She sat up and all around her were bodies. Human bodies, variant bodies and big bloody flesh pools that most likely used to be vampires. There was the the occasional charred skeleton that could have also been from a vampire. Mary looked around in a panic, trying to find her friends. She found Max first because he was the closest to her. As soon as Max sensed Mary was awake again, he sped over to her and crouched down at her side.

"Mary, Mary" he shouted, looking tired again. "Please tell me you're alright."

"Yeah yeah, I'm fine" said Mary, hugging Max and both of them standing up. "Where's everyone else?"

"Lost in the chaos I expect" replied Max,both of them suddenly getting distracted by a large blast of lightning that no doubtably came from Hondo somewhere in the battlefield.

It was absolute madness. Mary could hardly focus on one thing before something else was happening. There was humans from Mary's camp fighting variants, vampires fighting variants, and humans from Mary's camp fighting vampires. Mary knew it was going to be bad but she could have never imagined it would be like this. It was all too much. Too much hatred, too much violence, too much death. It needed to stop but even after the world was back to normal hunting and killing is just a part of human nature. The only way to stop human nature is to take control. As Mary was thinking what to do next, she heard a loud screech and looked to her left. From over a hill of sand a vampire pounced at her. Mary didn't even flinch. She just lifted her arm with the bloody hand and sent a bright burst of light straight at the vampire, killing it instantly.

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