Chapter 4: Stop The Stars

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*Day Of Mary's Energy Blast*

As the shockwave traveled around the world, the remaining humans weren't the only one that took note of it. They might be completely separate now but that doesn't mean they aren't the same in some ways. Just like how word traveled through the human community, word of Mary being the possible cause for the energy blast spread through the vampire community. It captured the attention of one specific vampire that knew without a doubt that Mary and her associates had something to do with it. And that was the attention of Luvia Blackwater, a devilish smile spreading across her lips as she watched the aurora like lights of the blast.

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Once reintroductions were out of the way and everyone was sat inside the seating area of the theatre, Mary and everyone started to catch up. They talked about what they'd been up to since splitting up which included things like traveling to places they had never been before in Britain and teaching each other how to use abilities properly and mainly just surviving. For a little while Daniel had tried to figure out how to bring everyone back by talking to other variants. Most of them weren't friendly since he was with a group of vampires but a small amount did speak to him. None of them had anything useful to say though. Mary revealed how far the camp back at her house had progressed and about how they know about Max living there now.

"So why are they okay with you living there but we all had to leave?" Asked Marge.

"Well they weren't at first but then Mary made a deal with them" answered Max.

"Are you like a sex slave or something?" Asked Jade.

"No. Why was that the first place your mind went to?" Countered Max.

"Don't know, the end of the world usually has a lot of sex slaves" responded Jade.

"What was the deal?" Said Ciara as her and Daniel walked over to the table.

"Max gets to stay as long as I try and bring everyone back"replied Mary.

"You can do that?" Wondered Daniel. "Why have you waited so long?"

"Well I didn't actually know I could it" responded Mary, clarifying. "I only found out recently when I accidentily let out an enormous burst of energy and then Ilya appeared and explained everything."

"Oh yeah, we know the one you're talking about" said Marge. "Scared the shit out of us. We thought Abiel had some how come back or something."

"Scared my lunch off as well" added Jade, looking a bit annoyed.

"Technically Abiel is sort of back. When we were fighting him 2 years ago I absorbed some of his power" said Mary, ignoring Jade's comment. "Ilya told us that if I tried hard enough I should be able to reverse what he did."

"So why are you here and not practicing?" Asked Ciara.

"I'm assuming because you releasing all that energy probably alerted other people, not just us" suggested Daniel. "Am I wrong? You're going to need all the help you can get."

"Well that's what we were thinking at least" said Mary.

"We'll need Marge's badassery, Sun's fighting skills, and Jade's bitchiness" said Max, pointing as he went along.

"Where is Sun by the way?" Asked Mary, looking around the room. As she looked, she saw some of their faces drop. "What? What happened?"

"Sun died" answered Marge, some of the others walking away to do their own thing again because they probably didn't want to be here for this.

"What happened?" Repeated Max.

"Come with me" said Marge. The two of them followed Marge out of the building again and around to the back. There was a small lemon tree growing and at the bottom of the trunk was a large stone that read 'here lies Sun Jin. Sister, friend, ally'. All of them looked at it, Mary and Max unsure what to say. "It happened about a year ago. We were out hunting and we came across Hondo, one of Abiel's horsemen. We got separated in the altercation but I felt it soon after. I followed Sun's pain until it stopped. They had silvered her to a wooden post so that she couldn't escape and had then burnt her alive. There was hardly anything left except an ashy skeleton so that's what we buried. We haven't seen Hondo since but I swear to god I'll kill him if I ever do."

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