Chapter 7: Radioactive

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It had been two days since Lu's funeral. Everyone just had to carry on with whatever they were working on because they didn't have time to waste. Jake, however, wasn't the same just yet.As soon as the funeral had ended and people grieved together for a bit, Jake went straight into the spare bedroom in Mary's house and hadn't come out since. People knew he needed time so they just let him be but Mary also knew he shouldn't be completely alone throughout the process. That's why at least once everyday that had passed, Mary would sit outside the room and talk to Jake through the door. He never replied but Mary sometimes knew he was listening because she would hear the floor creak by the door on the other side.

"So that's what I've been up to today. Just been working on controlling my power even more so that I can bring everyone else back. It's actually becoming more and more tiring as it goes on" said Mary, leaning her head against the door. Again, there wasn't a reply and this time she didn't even here a creak. Tears started to fill Mary's eyes. "You know I loved you both so much and I know that the love between you two is different then the love I feel for you guys but I still miss her just as much. I get that you might want to be alone right now but I don't know if I can be. So please reply, I don't want to lose you too. I need to know that you're going to be alright in there."

"He's not dead if that's what you're thinking" said Christian, appearing at the top of the stairs and looking at Mary.

"Huh?" Replied Mary, wiping away the tear that had fallen.

"He's still alive in there, he hasn't killed himself or anything, I can sense him still" said Christian. "And I can also sense that what you're doing is working. It's making him feel better little bit by little bit."

"It is?" Asked Mary.

"It is" answered Christian, smiling. Both of them then heard a creak from inside the room and Christian looked back at Mary who was now smiling as well. "Keep talking to him."

- • -

Another two days past and there were no more attacks. Unbeknownst to Mary and everyone, Luvia had seen the energy blast that was released during the fight and when Kat didn't return she knew they were more prepared then she had first thought. Mary was currently practicing her powers again in front of her house with Ilya and Max. She had progressed incredibly for someone that only really started about a week ago.

"See, there you go. You're getting the hang of it again" said Ilya just as Mary made a ball of light appear in her hands. "You'll be bringing people back left, right and centre by the end of the day."

"Yeah if I can just stay awake for that long" replied Mary, both of them smiling. Mary then looked over to Max who was currently taking a seat on a log close by. Mary walked over to him and sat down as well. "Hey you."

"Hey to you too" said Max, smiling and giving Mary a kiss on the cheek. "You're really crushing this you know that."

"Thanks. It's really tiring though" replied Mary. "Taking about being tired."

"Mary, seriously I'm fine" said Max. "I know I got a little out of 'breathe' during the fight with Kat and her people but it was just a one time thing."

"Really? Because I've just watched you sit down instead of standing" replied Mary, sounding like a mix of worry and serious. "It's not normal and it's obvious you aren't as strong as you used to be."

"She's right you know" added Ilya, walking over to both of them. "As well as most people hearing about what happened with Mary, they all heard about you being there as well."

"See, I'm not the only one thinking it" said Mary. "You were hit with just as much energy as I was. Maybe even more because you were close when he died as well."

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