Chapter Thirty-Six: Tyler

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 The season was going great for the Islanders. My dad came to all of the home games to watch me play. Playing with Finn was just like when we were kids. He's gotten better with all of the development camps he took. While I took my dad's spot on the first line, he was on the third line with Tegan Moore and Oliver Wahlstrom.

Finn got his first NHL goal on a breakaway against the Pittsburgh Penguins. The team crowded around him as he celebrated. His season was one of the best out of the rookies in the NHL this year. He had 64 points in 82 games registering 24 goals and 40 assists. He and Tegan were a great duo and one of the best pairings in the NHL. Our defense was strong and our offense was getting pucks in the back of the net. I had a pretty good season too, registering 32 goals and 24 assists.

We finished second in the division this year, only four points away from the Capitals, who were extremely good this year. We played against the Rangers in my first round of ever being in the postseason.

"I can't believe we're going to the playoffs," I said to Finn.

"I can, we're amazing," He smirked, slicking his long hockey hair on his head.

"We gotta kick some Rangers's ass, though," I said.

We met on the ice for our morning skate before our game tonight. We were looking pretty good and I was expecting a good game.

For the battle of New York in a best of seven series, it was just as physical as everyone hoped. In the first game, there were two brawls, I was in only one of them. The first fight involved the whole team and we all ended up in the box. It reminded me of the time when I was on the Thunderbirds and we were all in the box for Fuller's comment.

This brawl started with a Rangers offensive player coming way too close to our goaltender. I shoved him out of the way and he slammed into the boards. He got up and pushed me back. I kept my balance and threw off my gloves. He threw his off as well, throwing a punch. Lucas Frida and Cole Zapata, my teammates, helped me in the fight. A few of the Rangers players came up too. Even the defensemen joined in. The fight lasted about five minutes, back and forth. The guy who I was fighting, Garet Cohan, pulled me back in a headlock away from the crowd. I held on to his sweater to keep myself up.

"Wanna keep going?" I asked.

"What the hell, it's the playoffs," He laughed, pushing me.

We kept pushing each other until we were separated and sent to the box.

"Next time, stay away from our goalie, dipshit," I joked at Garet.

He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms as he sat in the box. The doors were still open to let in the rest of the guys on the ice. He stuck his head out of the door and called out to me.

"Ayo, Barzal," He said. "I'll get you back next time,"

"Bet on it," I said. "I'll kick your ass any day of the week,"

I was sat down by Lucas who pushed me to sit by my helmet.

"You're so annoying," He laughed.

"If I wouldn't have stepped in, he would've gotten in the way of Serkashta," I said.

He laughed.

"You didn't have to fight, you know," I said to Lucas.

"It's alright," He said. "I enjoyed kicking Tamenson's ass,"

He looked over the glass at Dougie Tamenson and sat back in amusement.

"What's up with you two?" I asked.

"He fucked with my sister," He said. "Long story,"

The second brawl was before my shift when Lucas was on the ice. Before the faceoff, he and Tamenson had some conversation. They dropped their gloves quickly and started fighting. It was far from the bench, so I couldn't hear what they were saying. They grabbed onto each other's sweaters and punched with the open hand. They were both separated, bloody. Drops spilled from Lucas's nose, staining his white jersey. They were sent to the box and they yelled at each other on their way there. On my shift, I scored my first-ever playoff goal! I did a rock and roll celly where I play an air guitar. I don't care how stupid it looks, it was fun as hell.

We won the game 4-2 and I was happy to get my first postseason goal and win. Of course, this wasn't the end and we had to keep going in strong.

I got to my condo and went straight to my bed. I pulled up my texts before going to sleep. I got a text from Kelly Bossy, Taylor's sister.

Kelly: Hey, can we talk? It's important

It was sent an hour ago when I was at the game. I responded.

Me: Hey, sorry, u still awake?

Kelly: I don't know if I'll ever get sleep

Me: Kelly, you're scaring me, are you okay?

Kelly: Can you call?

Me: Sure

I called her phone and she picked up the phone.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked with a concerned voice.

She took a deep sigh.

"You know how Taylor's in the military?" She asked.

"Yeah, is he okay?" I asked.

"He died yesterday," It sounded like she was going to cry. I felt like crying too. I felt a pit in my stomach as she told me.

"He- he died?" I couldn't get my words straight.

I heard her crying.

"Damn," Was the only thing that could come out of my mouth. "Are you okay?"

"Not really," She sniffled. "He was such a good guy,"

"Yeah," She said.

"I still have the letter he sent me," A tear dropped down my face as I picked up the note from my desk.

"He loved writing to us," Kelly said.

"He only wrote us one," I said. "I'll keep it forever,"

"He wrote to us whenever he could," She said. "He was supposed to come home next week,"

"Kelly, I'm so sorry," I tried to comfort her but I could barely stop myself from crying.

"How are you doing? I know you're childhood best friends and everything," Kelly said.

"Yeah, since we were little he was like a brother to me, not as much as you, but I understand the pain you're going through right now,"

She let out a deep breath.

"Hey, do you have any good news before I try to go to sleep?" She asked.

"In Taylor's last letter, he said win the Stanley Cup for me? That's exactly what we're gonna do,"

"I'll be cheering you on and I know Taylor will too," She said.

"Thanks," I smiled, wiping a few tears from my face.

"Goodnight, Ty," She said.

"Goodnight," I hung up the phone and pressed my pillow to my face. 

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