Chapter Three: Tyler

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 Mom had a business trip for work while Dad was on the offseason. Dad was in charge of taking me to my game this weekend, packing our lunches, and putting us to bed. He wasn't as strict as Mom was with bedtimes, which I loved. He made pizza for dinner which was also a bonus.

"What do you guys wanna watch?" Dad asked me and Riley.

"Superhero!" Riley said.

"Princess!" I said, a bit louder than my brother.

"Okay..." Dad said. "How about Black Widow?"

"Superhero?" Riley asked at the same time that I said, "Princess,"

"She's kinda both... I guess," Dad said.

He put on the movie which he remembered to be safe enough for seven-year-olds. The language wasn't.

Dad gave Riley and me each a slice of pizza to eat on the couch.

"Don't make a mess," He said.

The first thing that Riley does is drop tomato sauce on the floor.

"Holy-" Dad cut himself off before he could say anything bad.

"Riley, go get a paper towel," Dad told him.

"Sorry, Daddy," He said.

"Just be more careful, buddy," He said.

"Boys," I mumbled, rolling my eyes.

My dad looked at me with a sideways look and I just laughed. He cleaned up Riley's mess and threw away the paper towel. We all sat back down and watched the rest of the movie. I fell asleep on Dad's lap before the movie ended.

"Are you sleeping?" My dad asked me softly.

"No," I said, half-awake.

"Wanna go to bed?" He asked.

"Nope," I got up and rubbed my eyes.

"Well, the movie is over, I guess it's bedtime," Dad said.

"Not bedtime!" Riley and I pouted.

"Yes, bedtime," Dad told us.

"Carry me?" I asked Dad.

"You?" He asked. "I think you're getting too big for me to carry you,"

"Daddy," I faked being asleep and held out my arms for him to pick me up.

"Come on," He picked me up and noticed that Riley was still on the couch.

"Seriously Riles?" He asked.

"I can't move," Riley said.

"Yes you can, get up," Dad told him.

"Carry me too?" Riley asked.

"Alright," He held me in one arm and Riley with the other, carrying us up the stairs.

He brought me to my room first and threw me down on the bed. I giggled as he went to Riley's room to say goodnight to him. He came back into my room and put on my blanket and gave me my stuffed animal like he usually does.

"Goodnight, Princess," He whispered.

"Goodnight, Daddy," He kissed my head.

He woke me up early for my hockey game. I rushed to put on my gear, eat breakfast, and fill up my water bottle.

"Riley, we're leaving in thirty minutes!" He called from the kitchen.

Riley usually stays home with Mom for my early games, but this time he had to come because she wasn't home.

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