Chapter Twenty-Five: Mat

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"When's Tyler gonna come home?" I asked Bela.

"Two weeks, baby," Bela told me.

"Can she come any sooner?" I asked.

"You just saw her last week for Ethan and Shreya's wedding," Bela told me.

"I know, but I miss her so much," I said.

"I miss her too," Bela said.

"I could live without the girl," Riley joked.

Riley and Tyler text each other a lot more than I thought that they would. It makes me sort of proud as a father to see them getting along.

"I got tickets to the Yankees game when she comes," I said. "We're gonna go to the game, get some lunch, and we're gonna get some donuts after we play one on one at the rink,"

"Dad, you can't hog the girl all day," Riley said. "We were going to go to the movies,"

"I wanted to go shopping with Tyler," Bela said. "You and Riley will never go shopping with me,"

"I'll go shopping," I said.

"For makeup and getting our nails done?" Bela asked.

"Eh, probably not," I said. "I just can't wait for her to come home,"

"We definitely know who the favorite is, eh, Dad," Riley said.

"Tyler is not my favorite," I said. "I don't have a favorite,"

"It's okay, Dad, I'm Mom's favorite," Riley said, looking at Bela.

"Yes, Riley, you're my favorite son," Bela said.

"That's not fair," Riley crossed his arms. "I'm your favorite child,"

"C'mon, Riles," Bela laughed. "We are not going over this,"

"But since Tyler is Dad's favorite, why can't I be your favorite?" Riley asked.

"Okay, enough with the favorites," I stopped him. "We don't have favorites,"

"Keep telling yourself that, Dad," Riley laughed.

"Don't you have somewhere to be?" I asked.

"Nope," Riley smiled. "I'm here all night,"

I rolled my eyes and laughed.

Tyler was on her way to New York and I was so excited to see her again. It wasn't like when we went to North Carolina for the wedding because she was too busy with Nate or whatever. This time, it was just her and we could do whatever we wanted.

I hopped in my truck, blasting the music as I turned on the engine. I drove to the airport and I couldn't wait to see my favorite child. I mean my daughter. I can't wait to see my daughter. I don't have a favorite child.

"Dad!" Tyler came up to me and gave me a hug.

"Hey, baby," I kissed her head. "How's Seattle?"

"It's great!" She said, hugging me again. "I missed you so much,"

"Sorry I couldn't come to your game, Seattle was a bitch when I went," I said.

"It's okay," Tyler said. "I'm glad I could come, though,"

"Me too, Princess," I kissed her head again.

"I miss that," She smiled.

"Miss what?" I asked.

"You calling me Princess," She said.

"Really?" I asked.

"But if anyone else called me Princess, I'd fuck 'em up," I told him. "In fact, I did,"

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