Chapter Twenty-Seven: Tyler

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 Dad came to visit me for one of the few games that he's actually seen me play. He even bought my jersey to support me. This game was another one against a team that we played at the beginning of the season. I didn't remember playing the team until I saw him. Asshole. Standing about ten feet from me. I saw the back of his jersey. Number fifteen like I remember.

I was up for the faceoff against one of their players. I got a little rattled, so the ref kicked me out. Danny was up for the faceoff and I was against Asshole.

"Heard that you're on the draft to the NHL, Princess," He said.

"I told you to not fucking call me Princess," I said, angrily.

"What? Are you gonna hit me again? Please," He rolled his eyes.

I threw off my gloves quickly, ready for a fight. He threw off his too.

"You'll never make it to the NHL," He spat. "Girls don't belong there,"

I punched him first, throwing off his helmet. He caught mine, too, and it flew off my head.

"Just watch me," I spat back.

I didn't want to give in to him, but I let my guard down as the punches kept hitting him. I felt bodies behind me as Danny and Chris helped me with Asshole. Two more of the other team's guys came up to us and almost the whole team was in a brawl. The defenders lined up and punched each other for the hell of it before the refs broke us all apart.

"Wait and see, Princess," Asshole said. "There's no place for you,"

"Don't call me Princess," I said through my teeth. I was still in the grip of the referee, but I could still reach in one more punch to Asshole. It landed on his nose, breaking it again. I think. The blood spilled everywhere, even on my hands. The refs weren't strong enough to contain Asshole, though, because he came back and uppercut punched my jaw. I spat on the ground and saw red hit the ground. He threw another punch, hitting my eyebrow, again. It split open, this time it hurt more than it did last time. I tried to hit him back, but the rest of the referees came up and stopped me. We were both escorted to the penalty box as well as the rest of the team on the ice.

When I got to the box, I was handed a towel and a bag of ice from a medic. I threw the bag on my face as I leaned my head back.

"This is not how I imagined this game would go," I mumbled.

"Dude, what the hell was that?" Danny asked me.

"He's the same asshole who bitched at her last time," Chris said.

"What exactly happened?" Grant asked.

"He was talking shit about me and how I got drafted," I told them. "He also called me Princess. Again."

"Like in a sarcastic way?" Danny asked.

"Yeah, and she hates it," Chris told the guys.

The medic was inspecting my eyebrow again.

"Looks like you need stitches," He said. "How many times is this gonna happen?"

"Ah, shit, stitches?" I asked.

"Yep," He told me. "We can get it done in the locker room for you,"

During a stoppage of play, I went to the locker room with one of the medics. He sat me down and told me to relax as he took a needle from his bag.

"Do I really need the stitches?" I asked. "I feel fine,"

"Hold the towel to your head, you're still bleeding," He told me.

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