Chapter Sixteen: Tyler

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I woke up the next morning and was surprised that Mom didn't ask about Riley's night. Maybe she did, but I didn't hear it. I woke up a bit later than I usually do because I didn't have an early game today. Mom was making pancakes in the kitchen when I walked in. The room smelled like bacon because my dad finished making it.

"Looks delicious," I said, taking a piece of bacon and eating it.

"What time did you get in last night?" Dad asked.

"I got in around ten," I said.

"She and the boys were very nice," Mom said to Dad.

"Good," He said.

"What about you, Riley?" Dad asked.

"Did you see him come in?" He asked my mom.

"I was already in bed." Mom said.

"I came in around midnight," Riley lied.

Oh shit, here comes the questions.

"Really?" Dad asked.

"I checked your room around that time and you weren't there," He said.

"Maybe I was in the bathroom," Riley said.

"You're such a bad liar," Dad said. "Where the hell were you?"

"I was out with my friends," Riley said. "Steve invited us over,"

"Okay," Dad said. "But how'd you get in?"

Shit, Riley, don't tell him it was me.

"I climbed through my window," He said.

"And it was at what time?" Dad asked.

"Around two," Riley told him.

"Now this time, I believe you," Dad said. "Was that so hard?"

"You're still grounded," Mom said.

Riley huffed.

Later that day, I got ready for my very last game with my team. I was emotional on the inside, but I kept it together. Zack decided to tell us that he was going to Washington as well. He was leaving a couple of weeks after I was going to.

I ended up scoring the winning goal in the last game of the season. I let down a small tear as the buzzer went off. I lifted up my arms and skated around the ice with my team giving me fist bumps.

"Good luck in the juniors, kid," Was the last thing that my coach ever said to me.

I smiled, leaving the locker room. I went straight to my parents and Riley who congratulated me on my win. I was happy to see a familiar smile sitting next to them.

"Uncle Beau!" I gave him a hug.

"I guess I'm the good luck charm," He said.

"I'd like to think that good luck comes from me," Dad said. "But whatever floats your boat, Tito,"

"You're all good luck," I said. "You know what else is good luck?"

"Leprechauns?" Riley asked.

"Uh, sure," I laughed. "But I meant donuts,"

"They really are your favorite food, eh, Ty?" Uncle Beau asked.

"It really is," I smiled. "I'd marry donuts in a second if I could,"

"Especially strawberry sprinkles," Riley added.

"My favorite," I smiled.

"Can I ask the guys if they want to get donuts with us?" I asked my parents.

"Yeah," Mom said.

I asked Finn, Zack, Taylor, and Max if they wanted to come. Of course, they all said yes, so we all met up at Dunkin.

We spent our last time together there, laughing and having a good time. We were forced to say goodbye after a while, and I was devastated.

"You guys are gonna kill it in Washington," Finn told me and Zack. "On other news, I'm on the waiting list for the Bridgeport Islanders,"

"Holy hell!" I said. "Are you serious Finn?"

"Yeah," He said. "They're going to take me next year, hopefully,"

"They're going to," I said. "I'm positive,"

When I got home, I had to decide what I was going to bring to Seattle with me. I took multiple pictures, one of which was taken today of the whole team. Dad gave it to me before I came upstairs. I shoved so many clothes in my suitcases that I barely had room for shoes or makeup. Oh yeah, I have to put hockey stuff in here somehow, too. My stick, a few pucks, and all of my gear were all crammed into my hockey bag.

Saying goodbye to my family was the hardest part. My mom has always been there for me, my dad has always been my best friend, and Riley always had my back. I teared up just a little saying goodbye to them.

"I'll come to some of your games," Dad smiled, kissing my head.

"I'll take flights to Seattle and ditch school," Riley said.

"Ditching school isn't an option," My mom said. "But we'll definitely be at some games if we can make it,"

I hugged them each about four times before I left. I called my dad when I made it to my place. He got me a small apartment without a roommate. It was a little lonely, but it was cozy. It was different, but I kinda liked it.

"Hey, Dad," I said through the phone. "I'm here,"

"Hey, princess," Dad said. "How do you like it?"

"I could get used to this," I said.

I sat on the couch.

"It's a nice place," I told him.

"I hope you have fun," He said. "It's actually kinda late over here,"

"Oh, sorry, I forgot about the time difference," I said. "Goodnight,"

"Love you," He said.

"Love you too," I smiled. "Tell Mom and Riley I said hi,"

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