Chapter Twenty-Eight: Tyler

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 Getting ready for the draft was insane. I had to make sure that my hair was perfect and my makeup was light. I went with my parents and Riley to the place where I was being drafted. I was overwhelmed by the number of people there. Dad told me that it was close to the number of people in his draft. 2015 was a long time ago, sheesh.

I was heavily breathing and my heart was beating a billion miles per hour. Would I be the first woman in the NHL? Holy hell, I'm freaking out.

"You okay, Ty?" Riley asked me.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," I said quickly, biting my nails.

Riley pulled my hand so my nails weren't in my mouth.

"Don't worry, be happy," He told me.

"Oh fuck off," I laughed.

I was still tense and it didn't help when someone attempted to scare me. He was seated in the row behind me and pinched my shoulders. I let out a small yelp and let out a deep breath when I saw who was behind me.

"Chris, you're such an ass!" I laughed.

"Congrats on making it to the draft, Ty," He said.

"You too," I smiled. "Don't try to fucking scare me again,"

I introduced myself to his family and met his sister for the first time. Though his parents live in Seattle, I've never formally met them before. His sister is older and she's really pretty. She's a super nice girl and I can see the resemblance between her and Chris.

When they started calling names, my heart basically stopped. When they got to the Sabres pick, I was desperate to hear my name. My eyes were clenched tight as I heard my name. Holy hell. My name was called.

"Tyler Barzal,"

Holy fucking hell. I was drafted to the Sabres.

I got hugs from my family as well as Chris who was extremely proud of me. He hugged me the tightest, other than my dad.

"How cool is it that we could actually play against each other?" He asked, almost shaking me.

"Holy hell, this is awesome!" I smiled.

I completely forgot about the fact that I get to play against my dad as well as other NHL superstars.

I listened to hear who else was in the draft. There was another pick for Buffalo. Jacob Fuller. Where have I heard that name before? I looked on the big screen to see who it was.

"Holy shit," Chris mumbled from behind me. "Is that-"

I took a big gulp but my throat was dry. I recognized his stupid face from a mile away.

"It's him," I nodded to Chris.

"What is it?" Dad asked me.

"It's Asshole," I told him.

"Seriously with the language?" Mom asked.

"No fucking way," Dad said, completely ignoring my mother.

"Wait, that's Asshole?" Riley asked quietly.

"That's him," I said. "I broke his nose twice,"

"You what?" Mom asked, surprised.

Wow, my lack of talking to my mother really paid off I guess. Not really.

"He called me a princess," I said.

"And there's something wrong with that?" Mom asked.

"Well, yeah," I said. "Only Dad can call me Princess,"

Mom looked at Dad.

"She really is your daughter, babe," She told him.

"And she punched him! How fucking cool is our daughter?" Dad asked.

"I know, I'm so cool," I brushed my hair with my fingertips and fist-bumped my dad.

Mom rolled her eyes.

"I'm still proud of you, baby," She kissed my head.

When it got to the Toronto Maple Leafs' draft picks, I was nervous for Chris. I was lucky enough to hear his name get called for the draft.

"We're going to the NHL!" I smiled, giving him a hug.

"When we play each other, I'm gonna kick your ass," He told me with a smile.

"You fucking wish," I smiled back.

When everyone was called, we went up to take pictures. I got a bunch of Sabres gear which my dad refused to put on. He rolled his eyes as I put a Sabres hat on top of his hockey hair. I laughed as we took our pictures.

"You're such a baby, Dad," I told him.

He huffed and smiled as he shook his head.

"We're so proud of you, Ty," Mom told me.

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