☆Chapter 22☆

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~《Still Ink's POV》~

A few minutes pass and he's still asleep. I could here someone walking over, so I pulled Broomie into a fighting stance.

When I could see who it was I lowered my stance, it's just Error. I walked out of my hiding spot and over to him, because he had run over to Killer, and the kitten.

"He's alright, just sleeping." I said, sitting next to him. "I came because I saw this unknown soul here." I said picking up the sleeping kitten.

"Do you think Killer would want to keep her?" I asked, he looked at me and smiled. "KiLlER PReferS bUnnIEs, AnD NiGHt DOESn't lIKe cuTE thiNGS." He said, picking Killer up.

"I guess I can take her in then." I said, "AND hiS SWeaTEr?" He asked, carrying Killer in a comfortable position.

"Oh- right-" I said, removing Killer's sweater, and replacing it with the end of my scarf. I placed Killer's sweater on his non existent stomach, and left with the kitten, waving bye to Error with my free hand.

I ended up in my room, and placed the kitten down on my bed, with my scarf. She's still sleeping, so I decided that I'd get some things ready for her.

The first thing I made was a food and water bowl, and a bag of cat food. Then a litter box, then a cat tree, which included two beds, a platform, a small 'house' and a few scratching posts. 

I also made a few toys, which I stored in the bed at the top of the cat tree. The last things I made were a few small blankets, and then I just duplicated the bag of cat food.

I placed the food and water bowls on the platform, which was in between the top and middle beds. When I was done, I changed out of my work clothes and into a dark brown turtleneck, with black shorts.

After that I switched my scarf out for one of the blankets. I'm surprised that she hasn't woken up yet. Meh. I placed my scarf with my work clothes in the laundry basket and teleported them to the washing machine. 

When I finished that, I left my room, closing the door behind me. I went into PJ's room, where he was still sleeping. 'This is worrying me, he should've woken by now.' I thought, walking over to his bed.

I checked his soul, and found that his stats are normal. Which is good, but I take him to my room with me, to keep a closer eye on him. 

I put Paperjam on my bed, next to the kitten, who seemed to be waking up. So I removed the blanket, and picked her up. 

I carried her to the litter box, and by the time she woke up completely, I placed her in the litter box. I left her there to do her thing and sat on my bed.

To pass the time, I take out my phone and attempt to turn it on. But it's dead. So I placed it on my nightstand and plugged it in. By the time that was finished, the kitten had walked over to me and mewed. 

"Hello kitten! I'm sorry Killer wasn't able to keep you. But you can stay here instead." I spoke, picking her up. She began purring, for some reason she seems to understand me, this isn't normal, but whatever.

I smiled and placed her in my lap. "You need a name.... How about... Ciel?" I asked, looking down at her. She didn't seem to care, so I made her a collar with a name tag for Ciel and a tiny bell. 

I felt a wave of tiredness hit me. I just ignored it. I moved my legs to be on the bed instead of hanging off. PJ's still sleeping. I sighed, petting Ciel. She just stared at Jam. 

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