☆Chapter 3☆

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~☆Error's POV☆~

I woke up to something hitting my face. What is this thing? I have no idea. I honestly don't care though. Whatever is hitting me hit my face. I open my eyes(?) and shout "Oi WhAT the F***!?!"

"FINALLY! You have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to wake up." Nightmare said "W-WHat Are yOU DoiNG HerE?" I asked the goopy octopus.

"Well, you haven't destroyed any AUs in the past two weeks, and I want to know why." He answered.

"BecA-USe iF I WEre TO de-STRoy AnY AUS i couLD RuIN The BAlanCE, With I-iNK Mis-sING anD AlL" I answered.

"Wait you didn't know? Ink got back yesterday afternoon." Nightmare sighed. "WAIt he DId!?" I say relieved.

"You seem like you were worried. Why?" Nightmare asked "N-no" I said. Nightmare teleported me to his mansion. "And WHAt a-Re we DOing HEre?" I asked.

"You're staying here now. It is very lonely in the anti-void, isn't it?" He answered. "I-I cAN manAGE."

"To bad. You're staying here and that's final. We already have a room set up for you." Nightmare said "B-BuT wHAt abOuT mY StuFF!?" I said.

"You have stuff?" Nightmare questioned. "Of CoU-RcE I Do!" I answered with a hint of anger in my glitchy voice.

"You can get it later." Nightmare said as he teleported me to what i presume is my new room.


I got all my stuff into my room. There's a lot less space here, but I'll managed.

I have my strings and puppets hanging from the sealing, my Ink puppet under my pillow, and my blue bean bag in the corner of my room.

The walls are white like the anti-void, but there's a bed. Which I find is a waste of space. But I left it there because it's soft and the sheets are galaxy.

'What's Ink up to..?' I ask myself, the destroyers are doing what they do when they're not bugging me.

I make a window to Ink's place, yes I know where it is. I just can't get there without his permission, though I haven't checked here in a while.

Wait why didn't I think to check what he was doing!? Well, I only just figured out where it is like... last week? If not just less than that, idk time in the anti-void.

ANYWAYS- I open the portal and see a hallway, there's three door in this hallway,

'☆PJ & Palette's room☆', '☆Goth & Blueprint's room☆' and '☆Afterdeath's room☆'. 'Did I open the right window?' I think to myself.

I push the window down the hall more, oh there's his room. I close and re-open the window in his room to see what he's doing. He's not there.

I open a window in each of the rooms, except the bathrooms-, and I see a bunch of people in their beds (minust Ink and another empty bed).

The only people I can recognize is Goth, Geno and Reaper. Geno's my bro after all.

I decide to check down stairs, so I close all the windows and set on in the living room, which has view of the kitchen and staircase as well.

I can see Ink leaning against a counter in the kitchen and a kid who looks a lot like Dream and a bit like Ink sitting on chair talking to him.

"Hey Ma? What is Error like?" I hear the Dream-Ink looking child say, 'Why does he want to know about me? How does he know about me? Who even is he?' I think to myself.

"Well, he's... very misunderstood... people often think he's a heartless murderer who destroys for fun.." I hear Ink say "Which isn't the case, only the two of us know the truth." I hear him finish.

"H-oW dOes he KNOw abOUt th-at..?" (Error means the heartless part, and misunderstood-) "I-I NE-ver tOLd anyOne-... Exc-ept-" I was cut off by the door opening.

I quickly closed the window and heard Killer say "Uhh- what were you doing-?"

"N-NOne of YOUr B-usINeSs-!" I half yelled back. "Anyways come on it's time for breakfast, boss sent me to come get you." He said.

"O-OKay" was my only answer before we walked downstairs together.

On the table was waffles, french toast, fruits and bacon. (That made me hungry-) I can see everyone at the table, except Dust and Cross- probably with their boyfriends.

(Error only knows this because sometimes when he's spying he sees them going on dates. He didn't tell anyone though-)

Me and Killer sit down, me next to Horror, Killer next to Nightmare. We all eat our food and go do our own things.

I'm chilling with Fell, us and Cross are chocolate buddys. He's drinking some mustard. I ask, "He-Y WAnna SeE wHAt ClaS-SIC's Up TO?"

"Sure." He was obviously not paying attention to what I said. I open a portal showing classic hanging out with Carrot and Chars (SS!Chara, I can't think of anything better okay!? ;-;)

He looks kinda surprised, "Woah! Nice!" He says, I leave him with the window and say "WHen YOU'-re DoNe WIth wATchiNG thEM JusT TaP the W-IndOw IT wiLL Close auTO-maTIca-llY" then I leave.

I'm, bored again. Great. Welp I'm just gonna go to the now empty anti-void, wait never mind I'll go check on Geno- wait that wont work, what about OuterTale?

Yep. Best idea out of the three. I open a portal to a genocide timeline and walk through. These timelines are always the best. Nobody to bother me.

"Error~ You didn't forget about us did you~?" A destroyer said.

'Ugh not you guys' I answered

"Error, now that we know Ink's back, you can destroy AUs again!" Another one said.

'No, it's peaceful for once.'

"Des13449 Destruction's coming! We have to go!" Another destroyer said

'Shit' I think to myself.

"Error" Destruction says

'Destruction.' I reply

"Ink's back. We heard from Nightmare, now come on we need to destroy a few AUs."

'Fine' I say as I teleport to an AU called 'PEACEtale' (Random AU I thought of so if it actually exists- I didn't know)

"Now destroy." Destruction orders.

I started destroying the AU.


I'm halfway through destroying the AU when Ink arrives.

~☆Word count & author's note☆~
~☆1065 words☆~

Good day/night.

Inked strings┆Error x Ink┆✓Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora