Chapter 43 - Amusement park

Start from the beginning

"Don't worry about her brother.", Wooyoung said. "They're arriving an hour later than us. And if Chan bothers you, we can get rid of him." 

"This sounds a lot more threatening than it should.", Mingi said, making them laugh. 

"You know what I mean. We'll distract him so you can get your time with her alone."

"Don't mess up, though.", Hongjoong added, not really helping Yunho and his nervousness. 

"Then what am I supposed to do? I never had a date before."

"It's already a miracle you managed a girl like Rory to fall in love with you. And you didn't even embarrass yourself yet. Congratulations." 

"I know!" 

"First of all-", Mingi started but then stopped. "Wait why are we giving him dating advice, when none of us has a girlfriend?" 

"That sadly makes sense.", Hongjoong said. "Then just be yourself, Yunho." 

"Are you sure that's a good idea?", Wooyoung asked, before Mingi could shut his mouth.

"I'm sure you're gonna do a good job. You already spend loads of time together. A date is just a different name for it." 

"I hope you're right.", Yunho whispered and looked at Rory next to him. She already confessed to him and Yunho was sure he felt the same even if it didn't make any sense. Why, all of a sudden, was he in love with her? He got nervous when she'd come around, his heart would start beating faster and his brain suddenly stopped working. 

Yunho hadn't talked with anyone about these feelings but he wanted to. When he was laying alone in his bed at night, it felt like something was missing, something big, but when he's around his friends he didn't feel like that. It bothered Yunho a lot that he didn't know what happened to him in these months. 

The doctors told him the brain blocks traumatic memories, knowing the body couldn't handle them. Yunho had done some research and this happened to a lot of people, but then it was usually a shorter time but not four months. 

Is the human brain capable of doing this? 

Since he didn't get anywhere with his thoughts, Yunho concentrated on the only thing he was sure about. He liked Rory. Rory liked him. Just stating these facts in his head seemed surreal. Still, Yunho wanted to get to know Rory more. 

When he let his thoughts wander, he came across facts he had no idea where he got them. Did Rory ever tell him her favourite colour was yellow? Or that she was allergic to bees? Yunho knew Rory wished to learn the guitar but he couldn't remember her telling him about these facts. Somehow he knew more about her than he remembered being told and it freaked Yunho out. 

"We're there.", Hongjoong announced and tore Yunho out of his thoughts. Hongjoong pulled into a parking lot and turned of the car. A few seconds after Seonghwa drove on the parking lot next to them. 

"Rory, wake up.", Yunho said in a soft tone and Rory opened her eyes sleepily. She yawned and when she felt she had drool on her face, she immediately wiped it of, her cheeks turning red in embarrassment. Luckily, Rory thought, she hadn't drooled onto Yunho. 

Rory already wanted to step out of the car, when Yunho pulled her back, a smile on his face. "Wait a second. Your hair is a mess." 

Not waiting for a reply Yunho fixed her hair, definitely enjoying Rory's nervous reaction. After a few seconds he was finished but still caressed her hair a few times, the nervous feeling in his chest slowly going away. He was sure to ask her out today and already had a plan how to. 

"Uhm, thanks.", Rory whispered, too nervous to think straight. This time Yunho pulled her out of the car with a satisfied smile on his face and the both of them went to the rest of the group. 

Rory was immediately greeted by the other's and together they went to the entrance. It was still early in the morning and the amusement park had just opened, so only a few people were here. Wooyoung, who was the most excited of them all, pointed towards a big roller coaster. 

"I want to try that!" 

Hongjoong's face got pale at that but still he tried to smile. "Let's do that later, okay?" 

The group followed Wooyoung to a few smaller roller coasters and after trying them, everyone felt the adrenaline in their bodies. Now even Rory had forgotten about her tiredness and promised to just enjoy a nice day with her friends. 

"Can we do that?", she asked, her voice filled with excitement, as she pointed to a horror house. Mingi immediately shook his head.

"Nah uh, not with me. You can go but I'll go to the trampoline park, okay?" 

A few other's joined Mingi until it was only Wooyoung, Yeosang, Rory and Yunho left. Of course Yunho wasn't so eager to go into the horror house but since he wanted to spend time with Rory, he came along as well. 

The four of them sat down and of course Rory pulled Yunho to the seat next to her. The drive started and the lights went out. Rory naturally held onto Yunho's hand, even though she wasn't scared at all. 

The pair in front of them, however, was scared. Wooyoung's yells could be heard even outside the house and Yeosang tried his best to shake his clingy friend of. Still, he was glad Wooyoung was such a coward, so he wouldn't seem like one himself. 

After the ride the group went outside the house and they had to get used to the sunlight again. While they were searching for the others, Wooyoung and Yeosang were discussing what to ride next and didn't even notice Yunho stopping Rory. Or at least they pretended to.

 "Uhm, Ro?", Yunho asked nervously, causing Rory to smile. "I wanted to tell you something." 

Rory nodded and Yunho pulled her to a bench, so they could sit down, assuming this would take some time. "What is it?"

"I don't want to sound like a creep or weirdo to you, but I'm gonna be honest-", Yunho started, playing with his fingers. "-I know things of you no one ever told me. I dream about things that seem so real I can't divide reality and dream anymore. When you came to visit us in the hospital, I already felt nervous around you. It doesn't make any sense why I suddenly feel like that and I feel like a big part is missing." 

Rory stayed silent for a few moments, too scared to ask. "Do - do you think you start remembering something?" 

"Pieces, I think, but not the whole. It wouldn't make sense why you'd be there, right?", Yunho asked as a joke but Rory's face lost all colour. Due to his nervousness, Yunho misinterpreted her expression this time. "I really don't want to seem like a creep. I just wanted to be honest." 

"Thank you for telling me.", Rory whispered. He shared his feelings with her, told her the truth and still Rory couldn't tell him what happened in these months. Then he'd think she's crazy, right? 

"You don't think I'm crazy?"

Rory chuckled. "No, definitely not." Then something else came into her mind. "So you feel nervous around me, huh?" 

"About that, I wanted to ask you something.", Yunho said and took Rory's hand. "Would you like to go on a date with me?" 

Not daring to look into Yunho's eyes, Rory nodded. "I would love to." 

Yunho put his fingers under her chin and turned her head, so Rory had to look at him. He noticed her teary eyes and gasped. "Did I say something wrong?" 

"No, I'm just, I'm just so happy.", Rory whispered and Yunho could see the honesty in her eyes. 

"Then am I allowed to make you happier?" 

Not sure what he meant, Rory nodded and watched as Yunho came closer to her. His hand wandered from her chin to her cheek and left goosebumps everywhere on her body. Then he finally closed the distance between them and put his lips onto hers.

In this moment they felt like the happiest people on earth. 

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