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[Self Sabotage] - Rebecca Black]
0:56 --•-------- 3:55
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Monday had been a good day for the boys, a mostly cloudy 62-degree day was perfect for them. the sunny part of the day showed with Changbin, Felix, Hyunjin, Jeongin, Seungmin, and Chan, but when it came to Minho and Jisung, that's where the cloudy part showed.

Minho was anxious. Since last night when he kissed Jisung goodbye, he'd been acting strange. He messaged the boy good morning and the boy only replied with a simple 'morning' and when Minho asked him how he slept the previous night, he replied with a simple, 'fine,' as opposed to his normal 'i slept okay, how about you?' text he normally sent. That was the first clue something was wrong and Minho had immediately caught onto it.

When he got to school, he was hoping to see his boyfriend, but unfortunately, he was nowhere to be found. He searched around until he finally found the boy, but he was talking with the others, he seemed to be engaging in conversation as if he wasn't practically ignoring Minho. It hurt the older a bit, but he just figured he'd done something wrong. He tried thinking as the bell rang so he made his way to class. He couldn't think of anything he could've done to make the younger upset so he decided to message one of the other boys he saw his boyfriend talking to just minutes before.


Hey, is Jisung acting weird?

No? Why?

Since last night he seemed to be being short

Oh, I'm sorry
But yeah, he hasn't been acting weird

Alright, have fun in class

Same to you

So Jisung was only acting weird towards him. But why? What did he do? Up until lunch, the boy had been thinking back to the previous day, trying to think of anything he might've done to upset the younger. But he just couldn't think of anything he could've done. He tried messaging the boy, but all he kept getting was short responses.


Is something wrong?


Are you sure?


You seem upset...


Sungie, please


Are you upset with me?
Whatever it was that I did, I'm sorry

You didn't do anything

Then what's wrong?


Minho just wanted everything to be alright, he tended to overthink sometimes and he was worried something bad was gonna happen and he felt like he was going crazy as he tried to figure out how to prevent bad from happening. He wanted everything to be okay, but he needed to make sure Jisung was okay first and that wasn't working out too well, since there was clearly something going on with the boy.

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