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[I Don't Want You Back] - [I'll]
0:56 --•-------- 3:46
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ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ: ----•


Jeongin sighed, not knowing what to write. Their assignment for English class was to write three spoken word poems, but what was he supposed to write? He sighed as he rolled around on his bed. he grabbed his phone, plugging in his earbuds and focusing on his blank piece of paper before he finally decided something that would work.

He knew he would have to read the poems out loud and he hated that, he didn't want to, but he also didn't want to fail the assignment. So here he was, trying to write. He didn't know what to write until he finally wrote a small spoken word poem. But he had to have three. He sighed, this was going to take a while.

The whole purpose of the assignment was to teach that you could write beautiful things without forcing them to rhyme as normal poems do. It was supposed to be a fun assignment, but Jeongin was a bit nervous and self conscious as he had never been the center of attention for long. he kept reminding himself that he only had to read one poem.

The following morning, the brunette was tired as he had stayed up late writing his poems. Seungmin had approached him, "hey, you alright?"

"Yeah, just tired." Jeongin said.

Seungmin nodded, "oh, did you get your poems done?"

"Yeah that's why I'm tired," Jeongin chuckled lightly.

"Can I read your poems later?" Seungmin asked and Jeongin nodded right as the bell rang, "alright I'll see you in science class, and don't fall asleep in history."

"I won't," Jeongin chuckled.

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Jeongin sighed as he entered his science class. He knew he was doing okay in the class, but he was so focused on his English project he forgot they were having a test this day. The only thing he was looking forward to was the fact that the teacher allowed the kids to listen during tests as she found it helped almost everyone, and those that it didn't help, didn't listen to music.

Hyunjin had his earbuds in and he was in the middle of his test when Friendly Neighborhood Poltergeist by Rory Webley came on. He looked over at his crush for a moment as he sighed. He forced his eyes back to his test and focused on it. He shook off the moment, completing his test before going to turn it in, being the second one to do so.

He went onto his phone, scrolling through Instagram and seeing Jisung had posted a picture from his history class with Seungmin earlier that morning. He mentally shrugged as he clicked on the boys profile. He followed Seungmin and his breath hitched as the list of suggestions popped down and the first one held the username 'jjj.innie'He turned off his phone for a second as he debated the pros and cons of following the boy.

His thoughts cut off once he looked up, seeing Jeongin was turning in his test. He watched the boy walk back to his seat only for a moment before looking back into his lap. He glanced back over at his crush after a moment before he sighed quietly, grabbing his phone and unlocking it, clicking follow. He kept his head focused on his phone as he felt Jeongin's eyes shift to him.

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