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[Let Me Down Slowly] - [Alec benjamin]
0:56 --•-------- 2:49
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ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ: ----•

"Hey, Jeongin," the said boy looked to his left to see Hyunjin and Jisung walking over to his locker.

"Hey guys," Jeongin smiled, "what's up?"

"We're good," Jisung smiled.

"How are you doing?" Hyunjin asked, "not that I'm not happy to see you, but are you okay to be here?"

Jeongin frowned, "you don't want me here?"

Hyunjin panicked, "t-that's not what I meant. I-I was just trying to look out for you."

"It's okay, I know," Jeongin chuckled as he shut his locker.

"Well, we should get to class," Jisung said as he hugged the younger for a moment.

"I'm glad you're feeling better," Jeongin felt his heart skip a beat as Hyunjin hugged him. The younger placed his head against Hyunjin's chest, finding comfort in the older's heartbeat, "also, just take it easy today, okay?"

Jeongin nodded as he leaned back a bit to look up at the older, "I'll be careful. I promise."

"Good," Hyunjin replied with a smile as he let go of the younger. When Jisung and Hyunjin walked away, only then did Seungmin approach his best friend, "you two are very cute together."

"Hello to you too, Seungmin," Jeongin greeted, "and what do you mean?"

"You and Hyunjin," Seungmin said.

"Well I gathered that much," Jeongin chuckled as he and Seungmin started walking to the younger's class.

"I saw you guys hugging and it was very wholesome," Seungmin smiled.

"It was just a hug, Jisung hugged me too," Jeongin replied before he stumbled a bit, Seungmin reaching out his non injured arm to help the younger.

"Are you alright?" the older asked.

"Yeah I just got a little dizzy," Jeongin answered.

"Have you been getting dizzy often?" Seungmin asked.

"Kind of, I guess it's because of the concussion," Jeongin shrugged, "but I'll be alright."

"Okay, if you're sure," Seungmin replied.

"I'll be okay," Jeongin said with a soft smile, "I'll see you in science."

"Alright," Seungmin nodded before Jeongin walked into his class.

╔═══════ ೋღ🌺ღೋ

"Okay class, today I am introducing a new paired project, and just like the last one I am picking your partners," Mrs. Ahn said, "This project is going to be due next Friday."

As Mrs. Ahn beganning explaining what the project was going to be about, Hyunjin crossed his fingers as he hoped Jeongin would end up being his partner. He glanced at his crush, finding that the boy was looking as he desk, blinking over and over. Was something wrong? Jeongin looked up at the teacher as he sat back, telling Hyunjin that he was alright.

"Okay, so the partners," Mrs. Ahn said before listing people, but Hyunjin only payed attention to some of them, "Seungmin and Mia.........Hyunjin and Hayoung.........Jeongin and Insong...."

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