74 - Zeke

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Zeke now has everything he's ever needed in life. He has finally sacrificed his Eldersblood vampire, and brought forth the forces of another world to overthrow the human population. He's going to conquer the world now.

"She got away," Rava reports.

Zeke shrugs. He sheathed his sword and turns around, and smiles at Rava and Zero as they approach him. Zeke looks at the people still coming from the tear he made in the veil separating the worlds, and his smile widens.

"We've done it," he says.

"Have we?" Zero asks.

"What do you mean?" Zeke asks him.

"You killed the boy she loves," Zero says. "Never underestimate a woman scorned."

"The phrase is hell hath no fury like a woman scorned," says Rava, shaking her head.

"I doubt that I will ever see Autumn again. When my army is here, I will have them kill her. And when she's dead, I will use her body to kill her friends who are still missing. Don't think I forgot about them. Soon, there will be no traces of Autumn left in the world."

Zero shrugs. "Maybe, maybe not." He then vanishes.

Zeke looks at Rava. "Bring Autumn here, and I will use the Godkiller that Hessenberg made me to end Autumn forever."

"My pleasure," Rava says. She bows her head and then vanishes.

Zeke turns around to look at the beings coming through the portal. They are ghostly people for the most part, as the bridge here is yet to solidify for some reason, making it so most of them are non-corporeal.

But one of the solid ones approaches him slowly, her head bowed and her black veil covering her entire head. She wears a black dress and no shoes, and her skin is white as snow. Beneath her veil are two glittering, pitch black eyes. Voids that stare into his shredded soul.

"Who might you be?"

She clasps her hands together in front of herself and tilts her head back, so she can look into his eyes better. She does not say anything as she walks a little closer and touches his hair with long, bony fingers. Zeke watches her move even closer to him.

"Your death on swift wings will come, and you will not have seen it coming, despite your friends having warned you. Either kill the girl or don't, but make up your damned mind before you get us all killed."

"What? What do you mean by that?"

"Your lifeline is ours, Zeke. Your power keeps us here."

"Without me, you'll die?"

"Some of us will. Most of us. But if you die before the Bridge of the Veil is solidified, we will all die."

"So, I must kill Autumn before she kills me."

The woman nods. "And I can help with that. I am Void, and I will help you kill Autumn."

An easy and dark smirk covers his face. He looks at the specters coming through the tear. He grins wickedly and turns back to Void.

"So, where do we begin?"

He swears that under her hood, she smiles.

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