2 - Autumn

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It's been a week since Dylan and I escaped the human city of Willowriver, and now we are in an underground world that the humans don't know exists in the same place as them. They don't know about the tunnels and the systems we have in place just beneath the earth. Dylan and I have been sticking together, got the most part, probably just because of the vibe I get from him.

Dylan seems like he's very anxious, and I think that that he needs the idea of knowing someone in this strange place. He and I don't know each other that well, honestly, but we are still not perfect strangers to one another. It's nice to know I have him here, someone who I know has good intentions.

I'm still admittedly not used to the whole aspect of being a vampire just like everyone else here. Because, despite the scents from others, it's hard to tell a vampire and human apart. Just appearance wise.

And because of that, I often forget that my teeth can elongate and all those other lovely vampire side effects. I don't like the stereotypes of vampires that humans have made up. Some say that we have shiny skin — no. Some say we can't be out in sunlight — no, we can, its just not good for us, or comfortable. Imagine getting hives from the sun and everywhere it touches. That is what it is like for a vampire in the sunlight, itchiness all over that could drive you mad.

Some people think that we are all killers. That we are all capable of hurting others, but because we are vampires, then that must mean we are monsters that want to kill them all. Honestly, humans are worse than vampires in the violence department. For the most part, at least.

I sit in the small cabin that I share with some other girls. We all live in cabins and the boys and girls sleep separately. Those of different genders are kept together in different sections of the underground city. I personally have never gone beyond this little area here, so I don't know how big it is in here, but I do know that it spans the whole continent.

I'm in the living room I share with the other vampire girls who live here, and as I sit on a couch and read a book I brought with me from the library down here, I sense someone else's approach.

I look up as Arlo walks into the room. Arlo has short, black hair that is kinda spiky, she has a lip piercing, a nose piercing, and her ears are pierced. Arlo stands pretty tall, and her platform boots help her appear closer in height to Dylan, who informed me he is six and a half feet tall.

So yes, it really was both that I am short and that he is tall.

"You're thinking about that boy again," she says as she walks past me.

"What? What boy?" I ask.

Arlo laughs. "Wait. You being serious?"

I nod. She snorts and shakes her head.

"Dylan. You know, the cute guy who saved you from becoming a demon's snack. Two snacks, saving each other. Yummy."

I laugh. "Arlo, what are you talking about?"

"I thought that was obvious," she says. "You do know that people call other attractive people snacks, right? And it's a play on how you were gonna be food?"

"I got the joke," I say. "I'm still a bit confused though."

Arlo shrugs. "About what?"

"Well, a lot of things, but the main thing is.... do you think I have a crush on him?"

"No, I know for a damn fact that you do," she says. "But hey, act on it or not, it is up to you. Just know you're gonna kick yourself if you don't at least get to know him."

"I am going to," I say. "I just need to give it time."

"Time is a luxury. Don't spend your days sitting on the couch reading when you could be spending time with your friends. Okay?"

I nod. "Okay. Thanks for the pep talk, Arlo."

"You're welcome, Autumn."

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