5 - Autumn

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I step back from the door. I see the shadows of Gabriel's feet on the other side of the door. I glance at Emma, who is very pale and very scared.

"Autumn?" Dylan asks, and I swallow hard and nod.

"Here. He's outside." My whispers hopefully can't be heard by Gabriel. But something tells me that he can. Emma steps back when there's a knock on the door.

"Emma?" Gabriel asks.

She flinches.

"Emma, I know you're in there. Come out. Now."

"Stay there, I'm almost there," Dylan breathes into the phone. With my free hand, I push Emma behind me. The door bangs open with so much force the hinges break. Gabriel stands there, looking at us with distaste on his face.

Emma screams.

"I'm almost there," Dylan says into the phone. But Gabriel is there, and he rips the phone from my hand and then throws it.

Emma cries out in fear as he walks straight for her. I step between them, seeing red. I feel my teeth growing sharper and more pointed. Gabriel stops walking inches away from me. Emma is still behind me, staring at him.

"Leave us alone," I snarl.

He smiles. The look is absolutely feral. He hisses and then I hear something, and then Gabriel is on the ground, and Dylan's pushing me and Emma out of the room. I stumble after Dylan as we run out of the cabin and into the street.

"Arlo is missing," I say, remembering how she seemingly disappeared.

"And Gabriel's here too," Emma says. "Oh, stars, why is he here?"

"Who is Gabriel to you?" Dylan asks.

"My ex. And my stalker," she says.

Gabriel emerged from the house and stands in the doorway of the house. But somehow, he doesn't see us. So he just walks away.

Emma sinks to the ground on her knees and cries. Feeling helpless, I glance at Dylan. He looks as worried as I feel. Emma collects herself and sighs, looking up at me.

"Thank you, Autumn, for protecting me from him. And thank ... you, uh ...."


"Dylan. Right. Well, thank you both for helping me," she says.

He nods and helps her stand up. Emma rubs her face with her hands and sighs again.

"We gotta find Arlo," I say. "Emma, will you be okay?"

Emma nods. "Yeah. I don't want to go back to the house all alone. If you're looking for Arlo, can I come too?"

"I don't mind if you do," I say.

Dylan shrugs. "Come if you want. Uh, where's your phone, Autumn?"

I shake my head. "Gabriel threw it. I don't know."

Dylan runs his hand through his hair and looks at Emma.

"You okay?"

Emma nods. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks."

"Well, then, where would Arlo go?"

"I think I might know. C'mon."

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