70 - Rava

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Rava sits in her room, thinking about how she met Zeke and all that has happened since then. She thinks of how she is now helping him open a portal to another world, and she thinks back to her life before this started.

She grew up in Oska Ultah, a mainly Siren-populated island off to the side of Illyrica, surrounded by all female Sirens. She's never met male Sirens. She doesn't know if they even exist. But as her mind goes to the past, she remembers her eighteen birthday.

The day she discovered her power could kill. Rava was with her boyfriend, a boy called Pierce, who was actually a vampire. He had been kissing her, and she was using her power on him to see what all it could do, and when he pulled back from her, blood was pouring down his face, leaking from his eyes, nose, and mouth.

He collapsed into her arms, dying there only moments later, having drowned in his own blood. And it was then that her power felt so intoxicating and amazing that it was a high she'd chase for days afterwards. She'd come to hate her power once the high feeling faded, but it still was something she'd want to experience again.

Rava has killed five men, and two women, with her power. And now, as her thoughts dart back to her home, she remembers those times she helped local businesses and charities when she was young, but now, so many years later, she has not done so in a long time.

She thinks of how her mother, who died when she was only seven, would react to her daughter now. Would she be proud of her, for helping Zeke open this portal with the help of Eldersblood vampires? Would she be happy knowing that Rava has done all this, killing seven people in her lifetime so far? Or would she be ashamed of her?

The thought of her mother being ashamed of Rava scares her deeply. She doesn't even know why, her mother wasn't strong like her, she didn't go through all that Rava had been through at her age.

Rava stands up and walks to the other end of the room, and she looks into the camera feed that shows Dylan's room. Rava saw Autumn come, but she was told to stand down. Zeke didn't want her getting involved just yet. But now, well, now she supposes she should make her mother proud.

So Rava walks down the corridors of the old lab, reaching the cell where Dylan is kept, and she sees him still bound, laying on his back on the bed. His eyes are closed as she approaches him.

Time to make her mom proud, right?

She touches his cheek, his skin is warm to the touch, despite those icy powers of his. He looks so peaceful in sleep, his strong jawline is set in his sleep, and his eyes dart around beneath the lids. His brown hair is messed up, sticking out by his head, and as he sighs in his sleep and adjusts his position, Rava steps back and begins to sing.

The seductive sound of her song fills the room, and she smiles as she amplifies her power with adding her actual singing voice to the mix of voices coming from her throat. Dylan opens his eyes, looking at her, and she steps back from him, watching his brown eyes watch her.

Even as she walks around the bed, he turns so he can look at her.

"Now, reach down deep,
Unlock your power
Liberate yourself from the binds
Unleash your ice."

Dylan responds by shattering the chains locking the straps in place. He breaks free of it with ease, walking up to stand in front of her.

She hums and turns, gesturing for him to follow her. He does, and she leads him up to the roof, guiding him to the ledge. He stops when she commands him, and he stands and watches her as she steps forward, stepping up onto the edge of the building, peering out into oblivion.

Rava turns around, looking at him. Her whole life, she's been doing whatever she wanted. Now, she's doing something big. Something with a purpose. And she won't let the world rip away her chances at happiness and true freedom. So she walks closer to Dylan, looking at him as he stands there, trying to break himself free of her hold.

It is no use, as long as Rava wills it, he is trapped in his own mind, watching as things happen around him that he is powerless to prevent. It is a hell she would only wish on someone who deserves it.

But does Dylan deserve it?

The thought disturbs her. Of course he does, Zeke said he had to die for this plan to work. He said that in order for this whole thing to work out in their favor, the Eldersblood boy had to die. And then and only then would the portal he wishes to open be weakened enough that it would allow such a crime to be committed.

Sacrificing the life of one Eldersblood will not be the end of the world, as there are plenty of others who can and will replace him, after all.

"One life, in the grand scheme of things, means nothing," Rava says.  She smiles and takes his hand. "Are you ready to die, boy?"

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