18 - Dylan

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Dylan is not sure what happened to Autumn. No one tells him anything at all regarding her. He stands in the room and looks out the window on the door, looking in the hallway. Mikael starts to come down the hallway and Dylan sits down on the bed again. The door opens, and in comes Mikael.

"Come with me," he says.

"Where are we going?" Dylan asks.

"No, keep your mouth shut for now."

Dylan glares at him, but says nothing. He follows Mikael down some stairs, down some separate corridors, and into a study. He points at a chair on the other side of the desk, and Dylan sits down.

Mikael sits down on the other side of the desk and looks at Dylan for a moment before talking.

"Shes been stolen," he says.


"Dont be stupid," he snaps.

Dylan sighs. "I can't very well work with you if you keep insulting me."

"Autumn was stolen from us, Dylan. I think you'd care more about her than your stubborn pride."

"I do! Where .... what happened? Who took her?"

"We aren't sure who, but they took her a couple nights ago. We cannot find her anywhere. I think it is time that you and I look for her together."

Dylan looks at the man and sees nothing betraying his words as lies.

"What do you need me to do?"

Mikael smiles. "So, you'll work with me?"

"Yes," Dylan says.

"Good." Mikael stands up and grabs something from a nearby table. He slowly starts to walk towards Dylan, looking down at his hands and whatever he has in them. Dylan doesn't say anything as the man approaches him slowly.

But then, he has to ask.

"What exactly does it mean to help you find Autumn?"

He sighs. "Oh, Dylan. How I wish you'd have asked me that sooner."

He then jams the needle into Dylan's neck, and the world goes black.

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