63 - Dylan

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Dylan, Naomi, and Autumn go into the house after they complete the ritual. They head into the living room, and then sit. Autumn sits beside Dylan on a couch, and Naomi wheels over in front of Arlo, Emma, Freya, and Moia.

"What did you need to tell us?" Naomi asks Moia.

"They're coming for you, Zeke and his friends. In fact, they will be here soon. I'm sorry, but I can take you to Stronghold in the Northlands."

Naomi looks between each of them. "We have to leave here too? Are we that close to them?"

Moia nods. "You should follow me. I can take you to the Stronghold safely."

"We fought for this place before," Autumn says. "We should do it again."

"What do you mean?" Emma asks.

"Do you not remember when Dylan was sealed away in a tree by the Elders? And we had to find him, and then Gabriel was there being an asshole, and then he disappeared."

"Yes. I remember that," she says.

"You really want to just stay and risk being captured by the nutcase Zeke?" Arlo asks.

Dylan looks at Autumn, watching as her face crumbles with sadness and fear. He feels her fear as if it is his own, and it unsettles him a little. She stands up and walks to the door, then leaves. Dylan doesn't know what to do, so he waits.

Freya sighs. "Okay, so we have to go, but is this the last time we are doing this?"

"In Stronghold, we can protect you," says Moia.

"I don't know about that," Naomi says.

Moia looks at her. "What do you mean?"

As Naomi starts to explain what she means, a spike of terror shoots through Autumn, drawing Dylan's attention. He gets up and runs to the door, and out into the street.

But Autumn is gone. There is no sign of her, nothing.

He looks all around, but there is no sign of her. Then, the Elder from before approaches him. Dylan watches the Elder approach, and he smiles at Dylan.

"Hello, vampire boy," he says.

"No, just get away from me," Dylan says, backing up.

The man smiles darkly and steps forward, his dark gaze on Dylan with an intensity that unsettles him deeply.

"Who are you?" Dylan asks the Elder.

"My friends call me Kaiser. You can as well, boy."

"My name isn't boy," Dylan snaps.

The Elder smirks. "Are you afraid of something, Dylan?"

"No, I'm not. Now sorry, but I have to go."

He turns around and starts to walk back to the house, and then the Elder appears in front of him, blocking his path. Dylan grumbles under his breath. Why can't this guy just leave him alone?

He starts to walk off to the side, but then the Elder grabs his shoulder and then suddenly, Dylan is falling through a tunnel of colors and shapes, and then he lands on his behind, somewhere else. Dylan looks around as he stands up and dusts himself off.

"Where am I?"

"Hello, Dylan."

He turns around and feels his heart stop. It's Zeke. The twisted angel smiles at him with a serene expression on his face. He draws a sword, and Dylan looks at the blade. The sword itself has a white and gold pommel, and it curves around the hilt of the sword to protect Zeke's hands from getting struck by another blade.

Dylan glares at Zeke.

"I should've known it was you."

"Yes, yes, you should have, you foolish boy. Tell me, what will happen to your Imprinted BFF Autumn when I kill you? Will she die, as well? Hmm. Guess we have to find out."

He charges at Dylan, and Dylan feels his ice power burst free from his control. It then lashes out at Zeke, spikes of ice flying left and right at him. Zeke uses his sword, smacking away the shards of ice Dylan throws his way.

Zeke flares his wings, and takes to the air, flying over Dylan's head.  He banks and dives right at Dylan, who waits for the last second possible, and then he calls his ice to manifest in his hand. He then stabs at Zeke, nailing the angel in the chest with an icicle a couple inches thick.

Zeke screams in pain, having flown right into the ice spear, and he stumbles back a couple feet. Dylan stands his ground and watches as silvery-red blood pours from Zeke's wound. The angel snarls.

"You'll pay for that."

Then, suddenly, a woman appears. She has long, flowing blue hair, and dark blue eyes. Her skin is light tan, and she wears a thin blue dress with flowers on it. The woman looks at Zeke and his wound, and anger sparks in her eyes.

Dylan creates two more ice spikes, knowing that those are his only weapons against them. He narrows his focus to Zeke and the girl.

"What the hell do you want from me?" Dylan asks them.

"You will find out," Zeke hisses through clenched teeth. The woman looks between them. Zeke glares at her. "You should do your job, Siren."

The woman turns to look at Dylan again. Her dark blue eyes seem to darken. Suddenly, a haunting melody drifts through the air, serenading him. Dylan drops the ice spikes and sinks to his knees, unable to stand any longer. Some strange, unseen magic is flowing over him now. He doesn't know how to escape it, either.

The Siren smiles, still singing, as she lulls him to sleep.

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