20 - Autumn

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I shake my head in disbelief. Why did Dylan take me back here? Why did he drop me into Mikael's lap? Well, it turns out that he had no choice in the matter. Mikael just simply forced him to find me and then he tricked Dylan into becoming his slave for the time being.

Dylan stands in the middle of the room, staring blankly at a wall. I keep trying to get his attention, but to no avail, as this man has a firm hold over Dylan's body.

"Please let him go," I beg him. "He doesn't deserve this."

Mikael just laughs. "You have nothing, now, girl. Why would I restore him when I know how much he means to you?"

"You're a monster," I say.

It isn't Mikael who reacts to that. It is Dylan, as he walks over and slaps me in the mouth, his eyes still red. I fall backwards in surprise to the attack, and I look at him. His eyes flicker to brown, then back to red. He cries out and starts to claw at his temples.

"Get out of my head!" Dylan shouts.

I run to his side and pull his hands back down to his sides, and when I look up at him, I see tears falling down his face. And his eyes are wholly brown right now. I throw my arms around him and hug him close, and he wraps his arms around me in a nice, warm hug.

"No!" Mikael shouts.

Suddenly, Dylan's grip on me tightens. The temperature in the room falls, and I am shivering as I try to pull away from the hug. I look up and see his eyes are red again. Mikael is controlling him. I just know it.

"Dylan ... fight it!" I cry.

"I can't."

Then, I watch as ice frosts over my hands and fingers. I keep trying to pull away, but feeling has left my hands and fingers and arms. He's freezing me to Dylan? What the hell?

"Time to see what you're made of, girl," says Mikael. "I've awoken his power, now what is yours?"

I struggle to get free, but it is literally no use. My arms are frozen to my best friend, and I think that might be the weirdest thing to ever happen to me.

"I'd hurry up with escaping, if I were you," Mikael says.

Helplessly, I look up at Dylan, and he looks down at me. Our eyes meet, and he stops freezing me in place. The ice then just ... disappears.

"What the hell?" Mikael asks. "How did you get free?"

Dylan looks down at me. There is so much shock and wonder on his face that, despite the circumstances, makes my heart skip a beat. He smiles a little, and it makes my knees feel weak with how pure it is.

But Mikael is having none of that.

He draws a dagger from somewhere, and he starts to advance on me. Dylan pushes me behind him again, glaring at Mikael.

"You've made your point, Mikael," he says. "Now leave us all alone."

Mikael's smile does not falter. "If that is what you want, you two, then go."

Dylan does not need to be told twice. He turns and hurries to the door, and I follow, not knowing what to do.   We run out the door and go down the halls and towards any exit we can find. But then, a voice rings out in the hall we just passed.

We both turn around and go back, and I gasp when we see who it is. Soren stands holding Emma back away from Gabriel, who has a gun pointed at Arlo.

"No," I say, and I start towards them, but Dylan grabs me by the hand.

"Don't come closer," says Gabriel. "I will blow her brains out."

"No, you won't!" I shout. "Let them both go!"

"Well, I don't know where you have been, but why would I do that?" Gabriel asks.

Then, there's a bright flash of light, and Dylan and I see Zeke appear behind Soren and Gabriel. Zeke then does something I never thought possible. He opens his white, glowing white and gold wings, and grabs Soren, knocking him out.

Gabriel looks at Zeke, but it is too late, as his gun vanishes and is replaced with a stick. Zeke chuckles and runs over to Arlo and Emma, then yells for us to come to him. Dylan and I hurry over and in another flash of light, we are on the outside world, close to the car.

Dylan and Zeke help me get in the car, and the others run around and get in the car too. We then leave.

Lifeline (Chills Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt