71 - Dylan

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Dylan struggles against Rava's dark magic. He stares at her, and she smiles as she walks closer to him and rests her hand on her hip. Rava then turns towards the ledge and smiles at him.

"Time to die," she says.

Tears fill his eyes. He doesn't want to do what he thinks she's doing to him. He doesn't want to be forced to jump off the roof.

"You're a smart boy," she says. "Too bad. I hate to waste a pretty face." She then grabs his arm, pulling him over to the edge. He struggles against her hold, but it is no use. He cannot escape her.

She then shoves him off into the empty air.

Dylan falls, only for her hold to fade as he approaches the ground. His heart races, and then suddenly, arms are around him and carrying him up, up, up. He turns his head, looking at whoever holds him.

The man who looks back at him has blue eyes and blond hair, with light tan skin and large, brown and gray speckled wings. He wears a light blue dress shirt and khaki pants and sneakers. The man carries Dylan to the other side of the compound, and over the woods that surround the lab he was kept in.

Dylan looks around nervously as they fly, and then he sees it. Zeke is flying right at him, holding his gleaming sword. He holds his sword high and dives, aiming right for Dylan's savior's back.

"Look out!" Dylan yells.

They drop, spiraling through the air, making it impossible for Zeke to stab him as they spin. Finally, he opens his wings and they fly straight up. Zeke struggles to keep up, but he does. He roars with fury.

"Back down, Dylan!" he shouts.

"He really doesn't give up, does he?" asks the guy who saved Dylan.

"No, he doesn't."

They ascend fast, and Dylan tries to throw ice spikes at Zeke, but he keeps dodging them. Suddenly, more figures are racing towards them. They're coming from everywhere at once and the sight of them scares Dylan deeply.

"There's too many of them!"

"I got this," the guy says. "When I say now, unleash your power on them all."

They rise higher and higher in the sky, and then Dylan is given the signal, and he casts ice down on the figures that are flying after him.

Screams fill the air, and the shadows drop away, and then there is a brilliant flash of light, and then, nothingness and pure darkness descends on Dylan's mind, and he falls into a deep and dreamless sleep.

Lifeline (Chills Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz