13 - Arlo

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Arlo has been here far too long. She is being blood-starved by these insane men. They're trying to push her to her limits and she's just desperately trying to live. Vampires weren't meant to be blood-starved.

She sits up as the door to her room opens, and she sees Mikael walk in. He stops at the foot of her bed, and peers at her. She stares back at him, not moving an inch.

"I have an idea," says the man. "Come with me."

He then unhooked her from the bed and pulls her with him as he leaves the room, and heads down a long, gray and white hallway. She watches him as he guides her down and down stairs that wrap around the building. They keep walking until finally, he stops at the bottom of the stairs and opens a door, which leads to a courtyard.

He unhooked the chains from around her arm, letting her go and walk around the area. She looks at the four walls around them, the large fences that surround her. Arlo looks at the door she just exited from.

Her breath leaves her body as she sees Emma, Autumn, and Autumn's friend, Dylan walk into the courtyard. She runs to Emma's side and grabs her girlfriend by the arms, then hugs her tight to her chest.

"Are you okay, Emma?" Arlo asks her.

Emma laughs through her tears and smiles at her. "You were kidnapped, and you're worried about me?"

"Of course I am," Arlo says. "Are you okay?"

"Now I am," she says.

Mikael and Gabriel walk over then.

"Now you're all togerher," says Mikael. He nods at Gabriel, who then snaps his fingers, igniting the flames he can summon that surround the vampires and the two men.

"What do you want from us?!" Emma cries, her voice squeaking in exasperation.

"I want many things from you, Emma," Gabriel says. "I will get them eventually. But right now, you might want to make sure that Arlo doesn't rip your throat out."

Emma glances at Arlo, but then looks back at Gabriel.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

Mikael smirks and snaps his fingers. Then, Arlo feels her grip loosen on Emma. Emma looks up at her in shock. Arlo then sinks to the floor, gasping in pain as it shoots through her heart and head and stomach. The pain shreds her to pieces and makes her hiss with a fury she's never even felt before. Arlo looks up at Emma as she bends down before her, but then... something in Arlo changes. Shifts. Her eyes burn, and she starts to cry as she sees that she is losing her humanity, because of being blood-starved for so long.

"Emma .... run."

A scream is torn from Arlo's throat. She looks up at Emma and, tears falling from her burning eyes, she pleads with Emma and Autumn and Dylan to run.

Then, everything around her goes black.

Lifeline (Chills Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora