24 | Something's Wrong

Start from the beginning

By the way things are going, it looks like he's going to be there right on time.

It's such a lovely morning. David doesn't think anyone could be unhappy on a morning like this.

"Psst!" he hears in an alleyway.

He freezes.

Les notices this. "What's wrong?" he asks curiously.

"You go on ahead," David tells him, still looking at where he thought--no, knew someone was. "I'll catch up in a moment."

That's good enough for Les.

David looks after him. It's not that much farther.

Surely this shouldn't take too long. Just a short investigation.

Cautiously, he goes into the alleyway.

Suddenly, from what seems out of nowhere, he sees Morris Delancey with his brass knuckles, and a club. Before David can react the club makes contact with his head and he's unconscious.


David wakes up blearily a few hours later to find his hands tied behind his back against a wall. Suddenly he remembers what happened and he fully wakes up, startling. He takes in his surroundings. He sees Race across the room from him--not that far away; this isn't that big of a room.

"Racetrack!" David exclaims. "What are you doing here?"

"Same as you," Race answers glumly. "Bait. I'm the bait for Spot. I can only assume you're the bait for Jack."

David digests the concept slowly, very disbelieving. But the look on Race's face and the fact that they're both tied up is really what sold it.

Looks like I'm not going to spend the night at the lodging house with Jack tonight.


Day 2

It's the second day since Race came at sunset.

Spot bites his lip. He's getting really worried now. He's outside Sheepshead Races. He didn't see Race go in this morning. Surely by now, early afternoon, Race would come? At least for the last batch of races?

Spot didn't see Race all of yesterday.

Is this how Race felt when Spot disappeared for a few days?

Except this is different. Right? Because now, he and Race...dare he say it, let alone think it?...are together. It wouldn't make sense for Race to just disappear.

He told me he loved me, Spot thinks. And I believe him.

So, the only question left is...where is Race? Why is he not here? So maybe that's two questions. Spot is just really anxious.

The thing is that Race said he would come back the next day. So either he forgot, something came up, or...something happened to him.

He just hopes it's not that last one.

Only one way to find out, he tells himself, even though he's dreading it.

Spot knows the only way to know for sure is to go to Manhattan and talk to Jack Kelly.

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