Turn 18: He Has Returned

Start from the beginning

Shingo: "Eh... that's very unusual of her."

Kamui: "I know.... she's been acting quite different in these past few days."

At Misaki's Room

Misaki: Today is the day.... he is back.... I don't know what to do.... (Looking at Kourin's black ribbon) Kourin, what should I do...?

Back At the Shop

Naoki: (Shocked) "What?! You two and these idols?"

Kamui: "Yeah, you're right."

Naoki: "Shion with Am, and..... this blue hair guy with Luna..."

Kazuma: "It's Kazuma.... Kazuma Shouji!"

Naoki: "Oh, sorry Kazuma.... hehe. I was surprised that you two are in a relationship with an idols."

Shingo: "We got beat by our juniors...."

Miwa: "Anyway, congrats four of you."

Shion, Kazuma, Am and Luna: "Thank you!"

Kamui: (Looking at Chrono) "Hm? What's wrong, Chrono?"

Chrono: "Huh? Nothing.... It's just..."

Kamui: "You're thinking about Tokoha.... am I right?"

Chrono: "Y-Yeah...."

Naoki: "Huh? What's up with her?"

Miwa: "Did you forget, Ishida? They're both in a relationship.... Misaki told us a couple of months ago..."

Naoki: "Of course I remembered that..... Oh!"

Shingo: "You forgot that she's in Paris now?! Seriously... you delinquent wannabe..."

Naoki: "Shut up, Shingo!"

Miwa: (Looking at his phone)

(Text) Ibuki: "We're arriving in 5 minutes..."

(Text) Miwa: "Okay!"

Miwa: "Alright guys, they're arriving in 5 minutes. Get prepared everyone!"

Everyone: "Okay!"

Misaki: "In 5 minutes?"

Kamui: "Oh there you are, Misaki. Yeah, 5 minutes...."

Misaki: "I see...."

Outside the Shop

Aichi: "It's been a while...."

Kai: "Yeah, let's get in..."

Aichi, Kai, and Ibuki: (Entered the Shop)


Aichi: (Shocked) "Huh?! (Smiling) T-Thank you.... everyone!"

Kamui: "No problem.... Misaki is the one who had this plan, We're just helping out... hehe."

Chrono: Misaki....?

Aichi: "I see... thank you, Misaki!" (Smiling)

Misaki: (Blushing) "N-No... problem..."

Miwa: "Now that Aichi is here, let's begin the party."

Then they started the party, and Shin was surprised to see Misaki allowing the guys to bring foods and drinks to the shop....

Shin: "Are you sure that this is okay?"

Misaki: "It's fine, after all they already promised me to clean it up after the party."

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