Chapter 29 Jamming Day

Start from the beginning

All the 9 sisters: Lincoln!!!!

Lincoln stops hitting the bag and sighs  as he found their interruption very annoying and he slowly turned around and saw that it was them, he looked at them completely unimpressed
Lincoln: What
Lynn Jr: You have some nerve ditching us you bastard!
Lincoln: Lynn watch your mouth if you know what's good for you!
Lola: Lincoln how could you huh how could you!
All the sisters started speaking all at once and yelling which made difficult to understand until Lincoln stops it
Lincoln: Enough already! What is all your problems? And I want to hear it one at a time!
Lori: You agreed yesterday to have a siblings day out with us but yet you lied to us and ditched us how could you!
(Lincoln face palmed himself)
Lincoln: Is this really what this is about! First of all I did not ditch you I was getting a quick workout before I spend the rest of the day with all of you! Second of all you all claim that you changed! well I clearly don't see it!
Luan: What the hell Lincoln we did change a lot for that matter!!!
Lincoln: Really Luan! So is rocking up here and causing a scene as well as embarrassing me in front of my fight team and sparring partners what you call "changed"! You all clearly haven't changed at all since 1967
Luna: But...
Lincoln: But nothing Luna! I gave you all a chance to prove you really are better people despite my gut feeling telling me otherwise and clearly my gut was right as now I did something wrong by just doing what I primarily came all this way here to do and that's boxing!!! and then after the boxing part I would go on your day outs!
The girls realized their error and tried to apologize
Lori: Lincoln we are sorry we shouldn't have acted so childishly please believe us
Lincoln: Sorry, sorry, sorry is that all you can say as all you do is make my life hell then apologize, I forgive you and then repeat you all clearly haven't learned anything in the past 20 years have you!?
All the girls: We have please give us one more chance we promise to never do it again Please?
Lincoln: No way in he...
Before he could finish that sentence he looked around as Christina, his crew and Lily looked at him and silently begged him to give them a chance and this time it works
Lincoln: What I wanted to say was fine I'll give you another chance and go to your stupid sibling get together but this is the last one if you piss me off again you'll never see me or my family again got it!
All the girls: Yes sir
Lincoln: good now get out of my sight!

All the girls walk out as Lincoln continues to hit the bag

Meanwhile with James Buster Douglas he was training very hard for this fight too as he originally had a fight with Frank Bruno but Bruno pulled out with an ankle injury so he decided to take Lincoln's open challenge so that he can a fight under his belt and since this is a bout with Lincoln Loud he'll be paid handsomely more for this fight than he did in last fight against another former heavyweight champion in Tony Tubbs, a fight he won over a 12 round split decision. And certainly a  higher payday than what he would've brought home against Bruno as Loud will be paid $25 million dollars for this fight while Douglas gets $21 million dollars so Douglas was pretty excited and he was certain he would beat Loud as he continues to train


After showering and changing clothes Lincoln, Christina and Lily went to the mall to meet up with the rest of the siblings as they hoped to forget what transpired a couple of hours ago

As they meet up at the food court the situation is a little tense among the eleven kids but as promised Christina said she'll stay at the mall and take care of all  the Loud kids including her own as Lincoln leaves with his 10 sisters  in the new van and goes on for a day of fun, Lori was driving and Lincoln like back in the day he rode shot gun

Lincoln: So where are we going first today?
Lana: I'm glad you asked we are going to the movies
Lincoln: Ok...
Lucy: These movies are special big brother
Lincoln: What do you mean?
Leni: You'll see Linky and I guarantee you'll love it

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