Chapter 21

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TW: assault, implied sexual assault and rape.

I know I said there wouldn't be trigger warnings, but this is a special case <3


I grab his hand under the table, rubbing the back of it with my thumb.

He relaxes slightly, letting out a deep breath. I lean my head against his shoulder, and he placed his head on top of mine.

"You know, I'm actually really impressed with you right now." I say quietly, and I can hear his huff of laughter.

"Oh really?" He asks sarcastically, and I smile.

"Yeah. I don't think I would be holding up as well as you if the situation was reversed. Even the thought of some other female flirting with you..." I release a harsh breath, and he chuckles.

"Damn, you'd look so hot jealous." He says, and I snort, laughing lightly.

I close my eyes, breathing in his calming scent, when a throat clears behind us.

"Excuse me, I need to set these down." I straighten, and Fenrys growls quietly as the waiter sets down our refills, that we didn't need, right in between us.

I sigh, but don't say anything. He suddenly looks down at our clasped hands and scowls before walking away.

Fen glares at his back, and I nudge his shoulder, causing his dark eyes to focus on me. I lean close enough that our lips brush when I speak.

"He isn't worth it." I say, but he doesn't look convinced. I smirk as an idea pops in my head.

""If you behave...we can do whatever you want tonight."

His eyes widen, and a wicked smile grows on his face. He pulls back slightly, looking me in the eye.

"Whatever I want?" He asks, and I grin wider, nodding.

"Whatever you want." His eyes flash with excitement, and he takes a deep breath before nodding.

I lean back in my seat, pleased that I found a solution. We joke around, happy to all be in each other's company as we wait for the food to come out.

When it finally does, I hear murmurs of excitement around the table. As Mason places my food in front of me, I feel his arm brush across mine, and his face gets so close to my head I can feel his breath ruffling my hair.

I lean into Fenrys slightly, and I know he can sense my discomfort. He wraps a comforting arm around my waist, and sends a death glare at Mason, who pretends not to notice as he continues to pass out plates.

The rest of dinner goes by smoothly, and we're all just talking, not really feeling like heading home quite yet.

I've had to go to the bathroom for a while, and finally stand up to find the nearest restroom. Fenrys automatically goes to stand up as well, but I place a hand on his shoulder, lightly pushing him back down.

"I just have to use the bathroom, I'll be right back." I whisper, leaning down to kiss his cheek.

He nods, then squeezes my hand as I leave. I can feel his eyes on me until I turn the corner.

I spot the restrooms, and let out a sigh of relief as I walk towards them. I finish my business, and swing the door shut behind me as I leave.

"Excuse me?" I automatically turn around, and immediately regret it as I see it's Mason.

I raise a brow. He grins at me, and I fight the urge to roll me eyes. Can this dude take a hint?

"Well, I just wanted to say that I find you very attractive." I nod, going to turn around again. He grips me wrist, and I freeze.

Love is Blind- Fenrys Moonbeam (TOG)Where stories live. Discover now