Chapter 16

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It's been a few days, and Dorian and I are sparring in the training room while waiting for lunch.

We do this often, mostly since we both have nothing else to do around this time of day. We just finished a match and are both taking a breather when a thought suddenly occurs to me.

"Can I see what you look like?" I ask, shocked that the idea didn't occur to me sooner.

He startles beside me, then shifts, I'm assuming to face me.

"How?" He asks, sounding genuinely curious.

Instead of answering, I slowly lift my hands to my shoulders, pausing to give him time to object. When he doesn't say anything I lower my hands to his shoulders and use them to find my way to his face.

He has very elegant features. He must be incredibly handsome, I decide, making my way to his hair. I feel the generous locks and another question occurs to me.

"What color is your hair?" I ask, and he jumps a little bit.

"Black." He says simply.

"Eyes?" He smiles a little.

"I say blue, but Aelin has always called them sapphire." I nod.

Oh yeah, he's definitely a looker.

I'm so focused on memorizing his features I don't recognize the presence in the room until it's too late.

I hear a growl more vicious than any I've ever heard before, and Dorian is no longer in front of me.

I hear the sounds of someone slamming against a wall, and a wave of fear comes over me as I realize what must've happened.

I rush over to where I heard the noise, and based off of my awareness nets, it appears that Fenrys has Dorian pinned to the wall. And if the gasping noises are any indication, I'd say that he's choking him.


Not the time, Jax!!

"Fenrys, let him go, you're going to kill him!" He snarls, and I can feel him literally shaking with rage.

I put my hand on his shoulder, trying to calm him down. I have to be smart about this. Yelling will only make him angrier.

    "Fen, I need you to listen to me. I was just seeing what he looks like. You know that's the only way I can get a person's appearance. Think about it, it makes sense, doesn't it? I'm your mate, Fen. I love you, now let him go before you do something you regret."

The tension slowly eases from his body, and I sag with relief as I hear Dorian take a huge gasp of air. He steps back, still shaking slightly.

I can sense Fen's guilt, but I know he can also sense that I'm pissed. I turn to Dorian.

    "Are you okay?" I ask, my concern apparent. Fenrys tenses. "Don't even." I snap at him before focusing back on Dorian.

"Yeah, he didn't do any real damage." He rasps, clearing his throat. I breathe a sigh of relief.

"Good. There's a cooler of water right over there, take as much as you need. If you'll excuse us, we have other matters to attend to."

I feel a strike of fear from Fenrys as I grab him by the elbow and teleport us back to my room. I can feel the guilt rolling off of him as I cross my arms, waiting for him to speak first.

"I'm sorry, Jax. It's just seeing you that close to him...I couldn't control myself. My vision went red, and next thing I knew I had him pinned to the wall." I shake my head.

"That's the thing, Fen. You almost killed him over a simple misunderstanding! That is not okay. This possessive bullshit needs to end. Now." I feel him shift and I imagine he's running a hand through his hair.

"I can't promise that, love. I can't always control certain instincts-" I cut him off.

"No. That's not okay with me. Dorian is my friend, and I shouldn't have to worry about his safety every time I want to spend time with him." He tenses.

" could just spend time with me instead." My jaw drops.

Is he really trying to make a joke right now? I throw my hands in the hair then let them drop onto my head, gripping my hair.

"Are you serious?! You're going to make a joke right now?! After you nearly killed somebody?!" He goes to interrupt me, but I continue before he can. "That's it. Get out." He freezes.

"What?" He asks, shocked. I turn to face him, arms crossed.

"You heard me." I point to the door. "Get out. I need some space right now." I can feel the shock rolling off of him.

"You want me to leave." He says, his voice dubious. I huff out a breath.

"Yes! I need some space right now." I say. His energy suddenly changes from shocked to pissed.

"You know what? Fine. I'll give you all the space you need." He storms out the door, slamming it shut behind him.

I lean against the door, running my hands through my hair.

What in the hell just happened?


I know y'all probably hate me right now, but it's unrealistic for them to never fight.

As always, thank you for reading, luvs <3

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