Chapter 4

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I've been pacing around my room all night, just waiting for dinner.

Some part of me just can't wait to see her again.

That's just because you're curious about her story. Anyone would be!

I check the time then rush to my mirror to make sure I look okay.

What am I doing? Of course I look good!

I make sure to walk at a casual pace to the dining room, my gut twisting with excitement and nervousness. When I enter, all of the court is already there, likely discussing our newest guest.

As soon as I sit down, a knock sounds on the door. It opens to reveal a maid leading a female with a blindfold. I have to stop myself from reeling as I realize that this is the same girl who was covered in dirt in an alleyway hours before.

She was beautiful then, but now...she is the most stunning female I've ever seen.

Apparently some of the other males thought so too. I saw the guards eyeing her from their posts, and had to fight back the growl that threatened to escape.

Where did that come from?

Her silver hair is just past her shoulders, and dyed a deep blue from the ends to the middle. It's not in a straight line, it almost looks like it grew naturally that way.

Her plain black top reaches just below her belly button, and her high waisted black trousers are a tight fit all the way down to her slim black boots.

The blindfold is new, too. Also, not so shockingly, black. She definitely has a style.

She turned her head all around, even though she couldn't see. Somehow, she focused her attention to right where the table is.

The maid led her to a seat, right next to mine, then bowed to Aelin and Rowan before leaving the room. As soon as our guest sat down, Aelin started to speak.

"Before I offer you a place in my court, I need to know exactly what you're capable of." The female next to me just grinned.

"You're so willing to offer me a place in your court, yet do you even know my name?" She's stalling. Aelin snorted.

"Of course I do. It's-" she suddenly cut off, and glanced around the table to make sure nobody else knew it either.

The female grinned wider, and waited for them to admit it. Aelin sighed.

"Alright, fine. What's your name?" Aelin didn't seem too happy about admitting she didn't know it, but they all knew there was no way the female next to me would tell them without being asked.

"Call me Jax." She stated simply. Aelin raised an eyebrow.

"What's your full name?" Aelin asked, tone slightly more demanding. Jax scrunched her face in distaste.

"Jaxlynn. But I hate it. Doesn't suit me at all." Across the table, I saw Rowan darken.

"Your full name includes your last name. What is it?" Rowan demanded.

Jax's features darkened, and she clamped her mouth shut.

"Release your scent. Now." Jax simply shook her head and clamped her mouth tighter.

Immediately, bands of fire wrapped around her wrists. Not to burn her, but to keep her still. Jax's face went white as snow.

"What is that?" She asked, pulling on the bonds.

"Release your scent." Aelin demanded.

Suddenly, Jax disappeared. One second, she was sitting beside me, the next, she was standing by the door.

Aelin's eyes widened as she looked at me and mouthed iron ropes. I felt my gut twist as I nodded and disappeared to get the ropes.



I felt Fenrys disappear, likely on some order from Aelin.

My heart was racing as I recalled the bonds around my wrists. Ropes don't exactly bring back good memories for me.

I whipped my head from side to side while I sensed Aelin's entire court advancing on me. Out of all of the Fae...human. There was a human here.

I sensed her the moment I walked through the door. The shifter, too.

"Elide get back!" A male voice shouted.

He sounded like Lorchan, but I couldn't be sure with how much I was panicking.

I forced myself to calm down. Elide. That had to be the human.

Why does that matter?! Focus, Jax!


If I could just think of a safe place close to here I could teleport there. I was trying to do just that when I felt a sudden presence behind me.

I whirled to stop him, but I was too late. He'd anticipated me doing that.

I felt ropes bind my wrists behind my back, and when I tried to teleport away...I couldn't. Iron. These ropes were laced with iron.

"I'm so sorry..." Fenrys whispered brokenly.

I don't give a damn. I can't be locked up again. I can't do it.

I felt Aelin walk closer, the rest of her court behind her while Fenrys finished trying the ropes and brought me back to my chair.

"Now...I'll ask you again. Release. Your. Scent."

I sighed in defeat. There was no getting out of this. It wouldn't be long before they found out on their own.

I released my scent, and felt each court member stiffen with shock at what they smelled.

"What...what is your last name?" Aelin whispered.

I straightened and prepared myself for the hell that was about to break loose.




I know this chapter is short, but I really wanted to end it right here. It's such a perfect cliffhanger!!

Vote and comment luvs <3

Love is Blind- Fenrys Moonbeam (TOG)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu