chapter 6

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Why do I always do this? I promise frequent update and then disappear but oh well I'm back and that's what matters

Sakura's POV
As soon as Naruto and Neji were gone I turned to Shikamaru and gave him a punch. I didn't use my powers though cause if I did at that particular moment with all the emotions I'm feeling, it'd kill him. But I still had a strong punch.

"Okay revenge completed now let's get to the you guys helping me part." Shikamaru said

Oh I'm only getting started on my revenge. One punch is not gonna cut it jerk.

"Well I have a lot of ideas to get Ino to forgive you. So you are going to give me your credit card." I said.

"Okay I can trust Hinata with my credit card but not you. You'll bankrupt me." Shikamaru said.

"That's the idea." I said while smirking a bit.

"Hmm typical Sakura. Can't you just punch me again like Tenten did and get it over with?" Shikamaru asked.

I can't believe this guy. I mean the nerve. he's saying this so casually like he didn't really hurt Ino.

"If I punch you right now, every bone in your body is going to disintegrate." I said angrily.

"Fine you don't have to give us your credit card. But whatever we tell you to buy, you buy it okay?" Hinata came to Shikamaru's rescue.

"Seems fair." Sasuke said.

"Okay well since Naruto is still out, let's just do the basics. Sasuke, I need you and Hinata to go buy chocolate, a purple teddy bear, and some flowers. Hinata would tell you what kind." I said.

"Flowers? She lives in a flower shop. I'm pretty sure she's sick of them." Shikamaru said.

I turned to him and gave him a death glare.

"Uh excuse you. Did you or did you not ask for our help?" I asked him.

I didn't even give him a chance to respond

"Then shut up and let me do my job. Any more interruption from you..." I left my statement hanging there. But I'm sure he got the message.

"Okay so what are you two going to do?" Hinata asked me.

"Well my friend, we are going to make some other arrangements so let's start. We'll meet back here in 30 minutes." I said.

"Okay." Hinata said.

Hinata's POV
And so there's me and Sasuke driving to the mall together alone.

I appreciate Sakura but this was too much. I honestly don't see a reason why we needed to split up. I'm pretty sure this was all just a part of her plan. To get Neji and Tenten together, and me and Sasuke together.

We finally got to the mall and started shopping.

"Ok I say we get the chocolate first." I said.

"Okay." Sasuke said.

Then we got a box of dark chocolate and then went flower hunting.

"Here." Sasuke said showing me some blue rose.

"They're beautiful but she's more into purple hibiscus." I told him.

"Umm actually these are for you." Sasuke said.

Oh kami if you can't see it, my heart just did a back flip.

"Oh thank you." I said as I took the flowers from him.

"So Hinata I was wondering..." Sasuke didn't get to finish his statement before my phone rang.

It was Sakura calling. Way to go Sakura.

She said we should hurry up and get back so we could do whatever she was planning before Ino gets to her house from Tenten's house.

"Sakura was just calling to tell us to hurry up. What did you want to tell me?" I asked him.

"Never mind. Let's get going." Sasuke said.

"Okay." I said disappointed.

Shikamaru's POV
As soon as sasuhina was gone, a nickname I have for Sasuke and Hinata. Me and Sakura went on our own adventure.

First off we went to a boutique and I paid for a 500 dollars gift card so I could put it for Ino.

Then we went to a restaurant and she made me make a reservation of 200 dollars for Ino. This girl is crazy. She's going to get me broke.

"Okay that's enough for now. Let's get back to Sasuke's house. Let me call Hinata real quick." Sakura said.

Oh what a relief. Wait, for now!! There's more!!!! Yep that's it I'm officially going to be broke.

Flowers for Hinata

Flowers for Ino

Chocolate for Ino

Teddy bear for Ino

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