chapter 3

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Warning: contains mentioned of rape and memory of rape.

Tenten's POV
I finally got to the apartment building that I lived in and went to my apartment.

Oh and did I mention that I lived alone? Except when my aunt Anko came during her vacation.

I received a text from Ino that she was at the Konoha shopping mall. Guess that meant I should meet her there.

After a quick shower and change of clothes, I went to the mall in my bike.

We shopped unnecessarily for 2hours but then that was to be expected knowing Ino.

After getting the necessary things for the sleepover like movies and popcorn we were finally heading back.

She couldn't drive to my apartment cause there was no parking space. The compound could barely contain my bike.

So we rode back on my bike and set everything up for the sleepover (which we didn't do much).

After a while Sakura and Hinata came taking a cab because they couldn't bring their car for the reason above and we were finally  in our PJs.

"Okay let's start with painting our nails." Ino said.

"Okay pick a color." I said as I brought out the nail polish we bought from the mall. Of course I made sure to buy a neutral. Don't really like painting my nails.

"Pink." Sakura said.

Big surprise. Note the sarcasm

"Blue." Hinata said

Another big surprise *sarcasm

"Purple." Ino said

Wow everyone is just full of surprises tonight *dramatic sarcasm*

"As you already know I'm taking the neutral." I said.

"Come on Tenten it wouldn't hurt to paint your nails once in a while." Ino said.

She knew I wasn't going to change my mind so she got the neutral out.

I did her nail while she did mine. Sakura and Hinata did each other nails.

We four are best friends but me and Ino are closer to each other just like Hinata and Sakura are closer to each other.

After we were finally done, it was romantic movie cause that was the agreement. To watch one horror and then one romantic movie.
Hinata's POV
We were watching blended when my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and it was Sasuke. Sasuke was calling me I started freaking out. Was he going to ask me to go to prom with him? On the phone? Not that I minded though.

I excused my self and went to Tenten's bathroom and answered.

"Hey Sasuke what's up." I said keeping my cool even if a rollercoaster was riding in my head.

"Hi listen Shikamaru feels really bad about what happened and wants to make up and we are going to need your help." Sasuke said through the phone.

"Ok just give me one minute." I said as I put the call on hold.

I went back to the room and whispered to Sakura what happened.

She followed me to the bathroom and then I removed the call from hold and she took it.

"Hey I have a plan tell Neji that when I send him the text "GO" he should call Tenten and ask her out on a date." Sakura said.

Sasuke said something which I couldn't make out.

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