two: new friend

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Inari felt her mother shaking slightly, she put a hand on her back to comfort her, "Mother. You cry?" She asked, expressionless. 

Hanami pulled back sniffling and wiped a tear, her eyes closed and a smile formed and a choked laugh, Inari's way of speaking was quite adorable, "I'm just so happy." She confessed as she pulled away to look at her, "But you cry?"

Both tilted their heads, Hanami laughed while still crying and stood up, "You really are my daughter." She whispered  , "Now... hurry along, everyone's waiting for you." Hanami pulled on Inari's cheek and laughed softly.

Naturally, Inari trailed behind her mother until she met up with her brother, "There you are!" Kiyoko was previously looking for her and then he ran over to her sister.

"Kiyoko!" Inari said with her eyebrows raised as they both hugged like they've been separated for centuries, "I was looking for you everywhere, you know! I thought I lost you again!" He pulled back and smiled widely, Inari blinked and titled her head, "Why would I be lost?" She gave him a closed eye smile.

"C'mon let's go! You're all everyone's talking about!" He grabbed her hand and took off, "But you know where we have to go?" Inari asked as he led her all around the Akashi complex.

"You two!" Hanami hopped in front of them, Kiyoko stopped running and nervously smiled at his mother as she glared at the two of them, "It was Kiyoko." Inari said, pointing at her brother, assuming one of them broke a vase.

Her brother cocked his head towards her and frowned, "I did nothing!"

Hanami smiled and laughed, "Follow me, you two! And do what I do." She stated before she stared walking. Her children trailed behind her and mimicked her posture and movements.

If she waved at a friend, they did too. If she yawned, so did they. The twins saw it as a game, like Simon Says.

After Inari's big reveal that the clan kept a secret for quite some time, she followed her brother around silently, "You're still here, I didn't even hear you." He said, still looking in front of him, "Lord Orochimaru taught me how to be quiet."

"It's always about Lord Orochimaru to you, you're in the Leaf Village now and you need to get used to it. He's a thing of the past now."

Her eyes drifted to her feet, she wondered why he thinks he can just say that. Orochimaru is basically Inari's father, who can tell someone to forget their own father?  Inari didn't say anything though, just a simple "Okay." And she made sure she kept her head down low. Kiyoko felt a bit bad after he saw how Inari was bothered by it, he raised up his hands and tickled Inari's sides. 

Inari's eyes widened and she began to burst out laughing, Kiyoko laughed as well as she tried to tickle him back but failed.

A giddy girl appeared and Inari stopped immediately and tugged on her brothers sleeve, the girl with bright russet eyes and light brown hair put into pigtails happily walked over to them, "A-Amaya!" Kiyoko stuttered from being caught off guard. Inari hid behind him and glared daggers at the girl. The girl named Amaya had her hands behind her back and she bent over to look at the shy girl with a long smile.

"Hey Kiyoko~" She said in almost a sing-song voice as her eyes reverted back to the boy, "it's been a while, huh?" She gave them both a closed eye smile.

𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐘 ❀ n. hyugaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora