(Scarletts POV)

"Hmm?" I murmured sleepily as a strange, yucky scent filled my nose. I raised my head tiredly and rubbed my eyes with the back of my hands. "Is tha' you Mommy?" I murmured as I turned towards the smell. A tall, pale looking man with shining violet eyes stood beside my bed. Long silver hair spilled over his shoulders, gaunt features etched across his face. High cheekbones accompanied almond shaped eyes. His lips were curled in a slight frown as he looked down at me blankly "Who are you? You smell funny," I stated as I slid from the bed. His lips suddenly curved upwards into a smile. But it didn't reach his eyes.

"No need to be afraid little one. I'm a friend, would you like to go on an adventure?" He asked sweetly, flashing me his sharp, white teeth. Ignoring the nagging feeling in the back of my mind, I nodded enthusiastically, shaking off the uneasy churning in my stomach. "Good, now lets go before anyone notices," He murmured as he pushed me gently towards the window. "Why? is it a secret adventure?" I asked in excitement, bouncing up and down.

He had an odd glint in his eyes as he nodded. "Very secret. Now hurry up, we have to be off-" The man was cut off as the door was flung open by a tall boy that smelled much better than the man beside me. "Scarlett, get away from him!" The boy shouted roughly as he flung himself at the silver-haired man. A animal like hiss erupted from the mans throat and he shoved me backwards towards the bed.

The blonde-haired boy tackled the man to the ground, punching him repeatedly in the gut. The violet eyed man snarled and kicked the boy in the stomach, sending him flying across the room. The boy crouched down and his body started to change, his clothes ripped and fur sprouted all over his body. After several seconds in the place of the boy stood a large blonde wolf.

The wolfs eyes were like chips of ice. He growled loudly and threw himself at the vampire who caught him in midair and slammed him into the ground, his arm locked around the wolfs throat. A scream escaped my lips as I heard soft, almost inaudible cracks. "Stop it stop it!" I screamed as I threw myself at the bad mans legs. He scoffed and threw the wolf against the wall, before turning back to me, his sweet smile back.

"Now, how about our adventure?" He asked softly. I flinched away from his hand and huddled against the wall. "No! You're a bad man! Help! Somebody!" I screamed before his hand covered my mouth. "Quiet you little shit!" He snarled. I glared at him and licked his hand.

"Ack! You little bitch!" He hissed before grabbing me by the collar of my dress and jumping out of the window. I screamed until my throat was raw, pounding on his back weakly. "Let me go!" I pleaded. He ignored my pleas and continued running. Forest flew past us as he practically flew through the forest. An alarm howl sounded from the pack house.

The bad man chuckled darkly, "It's a little late for that you stupid dogs," He snarled as his pace slowly decreased until he came to a complete stop. It smelled really yucky around here. I didn't like it one bit. The bad man dropped me to the ground unceremoniously. "I come baring gifts my king!" He called through the forest. His voice echoing through the still forest around us. Shadows melted from the trees, forming a semi-circle around us. The shadows became more defined as they drew closer. All of them were boys, and they all smelled really nasty. I brought my knees up to my chest and looked around warily.

Three figures stepped forward, the man in the center had an air of power surrounding him, his eyes were a blinding silver color. He stepped forward and circled me slowly. "Are you sure this is the right brat Jedidiah?" He asked as he raked his emotionless silver eyes slung my small frame. I whimpered involuntarily and wrapped my arms tighter around my knees. "Yes sir. This is the girls brat." He stated firmly.

The man suddenly lunged forward and raised me in the air by the collar of my dress. I whined in fear and wiggled frantically. "Keep still," The man hissed. I stopped moving and lowered my gaze from his stern silver orbs. "Lets go. The dogs will be sure to send a search party before long," His voice rang out as he slung me over his shoulder before racing deeper into the forest.

Hundreds of feet pounded after us. I swallowed another whimper that quickly welled in my throat and tried to stay calm. Think of Mommy. Think of Momma. I thought to myself. An image of their warm, loving gazes burned inside my mind and I smiled. Mommy and Momma will come get me. I just know it. I thought reassuringly to myself.

We ran for what felt like hours until the man carrying me slowly came to a halt in front of a large tent. "Take the brat and make sure she's gaurded, we attack tomorrow night," He hissed as he threw me into the arms of the silver-haired man before stepping into the tent. He was quickly followed by a blonde haired man and a black-haired man. The man holding me huffed and walked away from the tent. Several other tents lined the treeline, far as the eye could see.

I felt my jaw grow slack as I took in the sheer amount of them. So many bad men....

"Stay here dog. Be a good girl and maybe Xavier will allow you some food before he kills you," The bad man said, before breaking off in a sinister chuckle. "Oh wait no he won't cause you'll be dead by morning," He chuckled again before walking away from my tree, which he had tied me to. Honestly who does that?

I sighed and leaned my head against its sun-warmed wood. "Mommy? Momma?" I whispered. Nothing but a faint breeze answered me. I allowed myself a sad smile and raised my head to the sky, which was slowly turning brighter as the sun climbed higher into the sky. "I'm sorry we had so little time together. But I'm glad I met you, in the span of a few weeks you've shown me the love I barely knew from my mother," I whispered, wishing the wind would carry my probable last words to their ears.

"I love you both..."

A Werewolf's Delight (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now