I had heard Nico and Adrik talk about Devin. I was shocked to hear that they killed him because he didn't believe what Octavia had done. I had nothing against Devin he shouldn't pay for what his sister did, but they did what they had to do. In the long run, Devin would have become a problem, it was better to deal with it beforehand. 

I was now sitting in the back seat of the Escalade. Soft music played while my brothers talking but I hadn't been paying much attention to them. I was thinking about what I would do once I was face to face with them. 

After spending about 45 minutes in the car we pulled up to the abandoned warehouse. It was in the middle of nowhere. 

"Come one. Don't mind the noise you hear they aren't the only ones who are being held here." Adrik held a sadistic smirk. Not going to lie it scared me because I had not seen this side of him. Walking inside I did not expect it to look so nice, the exterior did not match the interior. I would love to get in contact with their interior designer. 

We came to a sudden stop when we reached the steel door. "Tell us when it gets too much," Adrian told me obviously he wasn't too fond of me wanting to do this. I just nodded. 

When they opened the smell invaded my nose. It smells rancid in here. I saw her being held up by chains her face almost unrecognizable. The thing that bugged me the most was the stupid smile she had when she saw me. I walked up to her and punched right in the face wiping that stupid smile off. 

"Bitch." She hissed. The torture that they had been inflicting on her was obviously not enough if she was still speaking. 

"Why?" I looked at her. 

"Why?!?" She let out a humorless laugh. "You stole everything from me, before you I was the one in your place. Everyone forgot about me even my stupid brother. They were all too busy trying to avenge your disappearance. That is the only reason I started to pay attention to Andrey. 

Then one day that nasty-looking man approaches me and offers me what I want. For you to be gone. I would take over your life even your man, I should've never helped you get with him because I DESERVE HIM!" She shouts. 

"You are truly a delusional bitch, you know that right. You could never replace me. Did you really think you could pull all of this off without being caught?" I taunted her. 

"I almost had it but Domenico had to ruin it all. He and I could have been together and happy right now while you were with the man you truly belong to. NEVER FORGET THAT!" She was obviously going through it right now. "You will never be able to get rid of him." 

"I hope it was all worth it. In the end, you ended up with nothing and no one. I get to live the life that you wanted so much." I grabbed one of the knives that had been laid out. 

I began to drag the knife down her cheek watching the skin split as blood poured out. Her wails were music to my ears at this point. Her cries made me want to continue. 

I don't even know how much time I had spent touring her until Alek told me that it was enough for today. My clothes were soaked with blood. I didn't miss the looks that my brothers gave me. 

"Come on Chucky that's enough we'll bring you tomorrow for him." Alek laughed. 


I had showered as soon as I came home. After that, I wanted to relax, so here I laid soaking in the hot water. I did feel better. I was slowly closing this chapter in my life. I had a support system that I never thought I'd have. 

It was about to be a year of living with them and so much has changed. I've changed. 

"Baby. You've been in there for almost an hour, you're kind of worrying me." I heard the uneasiness in Nico's voice. I didn't even know he had come back already. The water was already cold.

"Coming!" I yelled. I got up and drained the tub, wrapping the towel around my body I came out of the room. Nico was laying in my bed resting his eyes, he had one arm wrapped above. I quickly changed and combed my hair so I wouldn't have to deal with it being knotted the next day. 

I jumped on the bed well more like Nico. "Did you really have to do that?" He said unamused. 

"Yes, when I came out of the restroom I expected you to be waiting for me wide awake to give me attention." I smiled and quickly pecked his lips. 

"I came for a reason." He sat us both up. 

"Everything has been finalized. I didn't want this to happen without you having a say in the matter but according to my father, it had to be done. Our relationship will unite the Russians and Italians." He ran his hand over his face. 


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