Chapter 68

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Ame's P.O.V

Sun-spots danced across my skin, as I stared up into the blue sky.

It was warm outside on the beach. No clouds dared to interrupt the hot sun, as it's rays reflected off of the golden-pale sand. Occasional gusts of wind interrupted the bliss, but they were far and few between. The calming waves of the ocean crashed up along the shoreline, as their sound was drowned out by my kids' laughter and vows for revenge.

The tinted glasses on my face shielded my eyes from the harsh light, as I looked out and onto my kids.

"Watch out!" North Carolina screamed. "Sis has a gun!"

Behind her, South Carolina was dunking the water-gun into the water for an ammunition reload, "I'm gonna get you, North!"

Her comment made the other Northern state turn his head, and shout for his brother to throw him a gun, "Aye, bro, I need a water-gun!"

South Dakota shrugged his shoulders, as he grabbed one of the bright, plastic weapons, "Here." He tossed it over.

South Carolina was done now, and was chasing after her sister in the water, "Oh, sis, I'm getting closer." She warned.

North Carolina screeched, as she ran and ducked behind Texas, "Help me!"

Texas raised one of his brows, and glanced at the rampaging Carolina with a gun, before he dove away, "Nope!"

"Take that!" The more excitable Dakota bellowed, as he shot a squirt at South Carolina.

She shot back, and chaos ensued.

Soon, every state was involved in the water war in some way, shape, or form. Some were soldiers, others were tasked with gathering weapons, and some were thrown into the fray as sacrifices. Either way, it was fun to watch.

I placed the newspaper in my hands back down onto the sand next to me, as I sat up and watched the fighting.

The date in the newspaper was July fourth, two-thousand.

It had been the start of a new year, a new decade, and a new century. I had high hopes for the next hundred years, after all, humanity was growing faster than ever. New technologies, like the internet, were being invented daily, and I couldn't be prouder that most of them were being founded here.

There were also new changes with the world. New countries had been formed, relations had shifted, and a long-lasting stalemate had been formed ever since Nagisaki and Hiroshima happened. The cold war was over, and a new type of war had arisen from it.

I glanced over at my states, who were still fighting.

Sure, it had guns, but it also ensured global destruction.

Suddenly, water came splashing at my face, and it covered my glasses with little droplets. I wiped my face, as I removed the sunglasses, "Alright, who shot me?" I yelled.

All of the states stopped in their places, but the ones underneath the water kept going at each other. It took them only a second to realise what they needed to do, as they sunk into line. When no one answered me, I went over to the bag of squirt-guns that I had brought, and picked up one.

"Florida did it!" New York screamed, as he pushed his glaring brother forward.

"Not true, New York did!" As he said that, he drew up his weapon and began to squirt his accuser.

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