Chapter 63

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Rus's P.O.V (hehe gay stairs go burr-)

"Почему вы его отменяете?!" (Why are you canceling it?!)

Rage, resentment, and repulsion flowed through my blood.

It had been a full month since we had come here, and I told him not to waste our time, yet he did just that. He had given the both of us a false sense of hope that everything would truly work out.

I grunted, why did life have to be so utterly horrid?

"Потому что он обманывает вас! Разве вы не видете? Кажется, сегодня он в порядке, но на следующий день его уничтожают. Перестаньте влюбляться в его замаскированную личность." (Because he is deceiving you! Don't you see? He seems to be fine today, but the next day he is destroyed. Stop falling in love with his disguised identity.)

I slammed my palms on the desk, "Как он может замаскировать болезнь?!" (How can he disguise the disease?!)

I was More than mad was what I was. I was downright furious, he was supposed to give America a chance, yet he was going back on his words.

"Легко видеть, что правительство США должно сыграть в этом свою роль." (It is easy to see that the US government has a role to play in this.) Mr.Ludvig accused.

"Ты шутишь, что ли? Зачем они даже послали его соблазнять меня, если они ненавидят меня и то, что я защищаю?" (Are you kidding me? Why would they even send him to seduce me if they hate me and what I defend?) I shot back.

Even if they did do that, they had no way of guaranteeing that it would work. Plus, they have their own problems in their homeland, so they wouldn't even consider sending their figurehead off to a totally remote area in a country that they didn't even get along with.

There was absolutely no chance that this was staged.

"Даже если это неправда, я не буду помогать этой свинье, и люди здесь тоже." (Even if it's not true, I will not help this pig, and neither will the people here.) He snarled. "И даже не пытайся убедить меня в обратном." (And don't even try to convince me otherwise.)

I scoffed and turned around, as I grabbed my partner's hand, "Come on, Amerirrca. He is not listening."

I nearly dragged America out of his seat, but he scuttled to his feet before that happened. We exited the door to Mr.Ludvig's office and stomped down the hallway. The man behind me was using his open hand to hold his cranium, an obvious sign that he had a headache.

Ever since that date with him and I passed, he had suffered more than he ever did in the past weeks.

My mind travelled back to the day of our romantic outing.

After America fell asleep, I had to carry him over to my car. Luckily it wasn't too far away, but there were some people near where I had parked. I tried my best to avoid their eyes, but when you were carrying another person in your arms, you were kinda hard to miss.

So, some of them spotted me loading America into my back seat. I was pretty sure that my actions sent off the wrong message.

The people that I found there were unmistakably young, so I knew that they probably gossiped about the event to their friends, and it spiralled out from there.

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