"See, the problem with the old war balloon was you could get it air-borne, but once it did, it just kept going. You could put a hole in the top, but then all the hot air would escape. So the question became, how do you keep a lid on hot air?" Sokka explained.
"Ugh, if only we knew," Katara sarcastically said, making Aang, Teo, and you laugh.

"A lid is actually the answer. If you control the hot air, you control the war balloon." Sokka smiled at the little model.
"That's pretty cool," You mumbled with stars in your eyes.
"Okay, we've got four kinds of bombs; smoke, slime, fire, and-" Sokka got cut off.
"Stink! Never underestimate the power of stink!"

"I'll say, I swear Twig is Fire ferret,"


You, the gaang, and the people stood at the entrance of the temple, and a girl spotted the Fire Nation climbing up.
"They're coming!" She said.
"You all ready to overthrow this messed up monarchy?" You asked them.

"Yes. But where's Sokka with the war balloon?" Katara asked while looking around.
"We'll have to start without it." Aang rolled them and they quickly took off, you using your best earthbending to throw boulders at them. You saw the gliders and Aang taking them out with the slime bombs and Katara on Appa giving them more ammo.

But then chains shot into the sky and you saw tanks climbing up the mountain.
"That's not good," You mumbled as you took Twig and ran over to where the chains were, using lavabending to melt the metal and taking the tanks out? But then more chains coming shooting out, and it was too cold for your lava to be stronger.

"Dang it! If only I could bend metal!" You groaned, and jumped off the cliff to land on Appa.
"Those things can't be stopped," You called out as more tanks kept coming.
"I think I know how they work. I remember my dad tinkering with the counterbalancing system. Something to do with water." Teo explained as he flew next to you and Katara.

"Water? Can you get me close to one?" Katara asked, and nodded, leading Appa to the ground, where Aang and the tanks were. As Katara and Aang kept using their bending, you kept throwing the bombs at the tanks, aiming as Twig kept handing you them. The tanks kept coming as Appa knocked some over and had Aang and Katara on him. You flew Appa to the Air Temple entrance and looked at the empty bag.

"Fresh out of bombs!" You told them as Katara looked around.
"Come on Sokka. Where's that war balloon?" She mumbled, then suddenly, a giant red war balloon came into view, with Sokka and the mechanic in it.
"That's what I'm talking about Boomerang!" You shouted with excitement as they dropped the slime bombs onto the Fire Nation.

It wasn't enough though, and you and the other people tried your best to take the chains off the cliff.


A sudden explosion was heard and seen, making you jumped and shielded Twig and Momo so they won't get hurt. A few seconds later the smoke cleared and you saw the Fire Nation retreating. You all cheered, but then you saw Sokka and the mechanic going down, so Aang used his glider to fly over and saved them both.

"Next time, tell a warning before you go on a genocide path Boomerang!"


You know what? I'm really glad you guys all live here now. I realized, it's like the hermit crab. Maybe you weren't born here, but you found this empty shell and made it your home. And now you protect each other." Aang told the people as he petted the little hermit crab on his hand.

"That means a lot, coming from you." Teo thanked him with a smile.
"Aang you were right about air power. As long as we've got the skies, we'll have the Fire Nation on the run," Sokka grinned, and the people cheered in victory.

"Ya know Glider?" You walked over to Teo and smiled, giving him a little head pat.
"You're one of a kind, so I hope that we'll see each other soon," You give him a kiss on the head, makin him blush.

"A-ah! Thank you (Y-Y/N)!" He stammered, fiddling with his wheels.
"Oh, look at that! My boy is growing up!" The mechanic chuckled, making you laugh and Teo embarrassed.

The gaang watched on with jealousy, feelingile they should get a kiss from you too.

'Why do you make me feel this way (Y/N)?"

'Why do you make me feel this way (Y/N)?"____________________________________

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