Chapter 19: The Truth - Amy

Start from the beginning

Oh, thank God, it's not over. Not that I feel like doing anything, but I'm not ready for it to end either. My body is sated, but I don't want my dream to end just yet.

"Amy, we want you to relax, maybe take a brief nap and we will be back in a few minutes." Mischief says and I nod.

Sadness fills me as I realize they are leaving me here alone again. What if they are lying and aren't coming back? Why do I let the past control my emotions? I need to say something quickly.

"Thank you for a wonderful time. I will remember this night forever. You both were so good to me. Thank you for bringing my dream to life." I say, and they both walk back and kiss me.

One kisses my hand while the other kisses my head.

"Amy, we are not through with you. We are just sure you need a break. Take a nap and we will be back. I promise." Jay says, and I must have a grin from ear to ear because they both start chuckling.

I turn over and answer, "Okay, you're right, I am a little tired and need some rest."

As they tuck me in, I feel better and believe my two men will return to me.

Then I hear the door open and close.

My god that was so amazing, I owe Beth big time for this session. My body feels tired and used, but in a good way. I'm pulsating everywhere, but it feels so good. It was everything I had ever dreamed of and then some. They were patient and took such good care of me. Like they knew what I needed at all times. I've never had so many orgasms in my life, that's for sure. My eyes are closing... I can't keep them open anymore.

Rolling over, I succumb to my body's needs.

When I wake up, the blindfold is off and as I look around the room, hoping to see these amazing men, but I'm surprised by my best friend. Beth is standing next to the bed, and she tells me something shocking. The boys are taking me somewhere and Beth says it's all part of her glorious plan. This makes me nervous, but she says that they want to spend the night with me and I'm not sure what to do or to say.

Yes, my parents are in hiding, but I'm in the middle of the Millhouse murder investigation. Then there is my dad's journal... Christ, how can I take time for myself right now?

"Amy, did you have a good time?" She asks.

I did, but this is different. Beth will not be there as my security.

Then my best friend tells me she will stay nearby, and that if I want her, she would be there in 2 minutes flat.

Still, I have so many responsibilities right now and I should do my job. I need to go to Mr. Millhouse's home, find Dave, talk to... Vin. Taking this time off was very unprofessional, but I needed to disappear. Do I deserve a break? Yes, but it's just such bad timing.

Before answering, I have to know, "Beth, is one man, your brother Jay?"

She tries to keep a straight face, but then giggles, and I have my answer.

"Hm... I'm not sure? I haven't seen him all day, so it's possible." Beth answers blissfully, and I smile at her knowingly.

So, Jay wants me to spend a little more time with him. How can I say no to that? I do owe it to him and myself to have some enjoyment. It's only a few more hours and waiting until the morning is not too much time lost. Plus, I am hiding out for my safety, technically...

"Okay Beth, I'll do it, but just until the morning. After that, I need to get some work done." I answer and then realize my mistake.

"What? You're here to work? You never told me that, Amy. What are you working on?" She asks, and I see the look.

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