Chapter 17: Our Girl - Joe

Start from the beginning

Mark continues to laugh at me as I stand up and walk out of his office. Passing Linda, who looks concerned, she stares at me with a worried look. We both can hear him still laughing in his office. Then, I enter my office and just shut the door.

She's pregnant... Sitting at my desk for a few minutes, maybe even an hour, and I'm just blown away.

Okay, I need a strategy. I must play this out correctly or he will realize that this was all done on purpose. I need to talk to her, but he will hear us discussing what happened. Mark needs to let her go, but that will be more difficult. How do I approach this without Mark figuring out this was exactly what I wanted?

Then it hits me... She needs to see a doctor, and I will tell him I'd like to take her.

Then we will be alone and I can talk to her about all that went on.

When I walk back to Mark's office, he is still sitting at his desk with a smile on his face. Deep breath, I tell myself. Knocking on the door frame again, he sees me and starts laughing again.

"Well, come on in Daddy," Mark says and I just nod my head and put on a grimace of a smile.

I ask, "Alright, I've thought about this. How does Deidre even know she's even pregnant? Did she go to the doctors?"

Mark nods.

What! How is that possible?

"I told you Donaldson did blood work after that incident to find out if she was drugged, and it came back with some irregularities. A few days ago, she told me she wasn't feeling well, so I called Dr. Donaldson back in and he checks on her again. She is pregnant, Joe, and it's yours." Mark says, and I am trying to keep my cool.

I ask nervously, "Aren't you afraid he will tell someone you keep a girl locked in your vault?"

Mark laughs again, and he's hysterical now.

"The Vault... No, Joe, he is one of our members. He can't talk or I will remove the good doctor from the club. You know that, and besides, he is one of the best obstetricians in New York. Deidre is lucky to have him." Mark says and then he looks at me funny.

I need to fix this quickly.

"I hoped she was lying, you know, to get out of here, but it must be true. Shit Mark, what am I going to do?" I ask and try to act upset.

Mark nods and says, "Well, I thought about this, and I think you are just going to pay out a lot of money. The contract cover's you, but you put in that part about being compensated if we had to end her employment. Joe, I had to fire her, but you will have to pay for a place for her to live, her expenses, doctor bills, baby needs, and child support. You are screwed!"

Right now, I am so happy that we are going to have a baby. Wait, he fired her already.

"You fired her? Where is she?" I ask and Mark looks at me as if to say, who cares.

He states, "Yes, I fired her as soon as I found out. They escorted her out of the building and my limo took her home. Deidre still owns the falling down shack, but that place was inhabitable, so Linda set her up in an apartment."

"Where does she live? How can I pay her bills and expenses if I don't know where she is?" I ask, and Mark hands me a piece of paper.

He says, "This is the bank account, Linda set up for Deidre, when we hired her, remember. Put the money in there and she can do whatever she wants with it. But Joe, you stay away from her. She wants nothing to do with you. That girl thought you did this to her on purpose, and she is pretty pissed off. Deidre was like a hellcat when she found out you knocked her up. That woman was furious, and she wanted to kick your ass. Her words, not mine, Joe." Mark says, and I try to figure out my next step.

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